Arapahoe County Resources

Click to jump to these sections:

Rental Assistance
Housing Assistance

Utility Assistance

Phone/Broadband Assistance

Food Security




Domestic Violence Resources

Medical Need

Mental Health Resources



Military/Veteran Services

Rental/Housing Assistance:

Arapahoe County Rental Assistance
Service Area: Arapahoe​
Street Address: 1690 W. Littleton Blvd. #300,Littleton, CO 80120
Phone Number: 303-738-7891
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: ​8:00 am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday
Services Provided: ​Housing navigation, Rental assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
To qualify for rent assistance, you must meet the following criteria:
- You MUST meet income qualifications with income less than 80 percent of the area median income.
- You MUST have proof of residency within Arapahoe County outside of the Aurora city limits.
- You MUST be legally present in the United States

You MUST provide: 
- Copies of IDs for everyone in the household, including children
- Income verification for everyone in the household
- Proof of Human Services Benefits such as SNAP, TANF or Medicaid may be substituted for proof of income
- A self-attestation form IF you are unable to provide proof of income such as pay stub, award letter or proof of Human Services Benefits. Form is located in the electronic application packet linked below
- Current eviction notice

Arapahoe County rent assistance applications will be processed with the following priorities:
​- Households that have received a summons from the Arapahoe County Court showing a date for an eviction hearing
- Households that are applying for the first time
- Households with income less than 50% of area median income
- All other households at risk of housing instability
Application/Intake Process: Effective immediately, the county's application portal will be limited to a capacity of 200 applications. Once the maximum number of applications have been received, the portal will temporarily close until those applications have been processed.
Wait time: ​Current processing can be 4-6 weeks due to team capacity and the number of requests however active evictions do get prioritized.
Additional Information:
Arapahoe County Government Community Resource reviews and processes rent assistance requests for the county excluding the City of Aurora (800 zip codes).
Link to application is HERE
(NOTE: If the link is not working, we are at capacity for applications. Feel free to email for more information or apply again later).

Aurora Housing Authority
Service Area: Arapaho​e
Street Address: 2280 S Xanadu Way Aurora, CO 80014
Phone Number: 720-251-2100​
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am to 5:00pm​, Monday-Friday
Services Provided: Rental Assistance​ / Voucher Administration
Eligibility Criteria: Aurora Housing Authority offers subsidized housing to low and moderate income individuals, families, disabled persons, and seniors.​
Application/Intake Process: 
- When waitlists are open for the Aurora Housing Authority the announcements can be found at the following link
- The waitlist opening will also be announced in the Aurora Sentinel newspaper. You can also go to, scroll all the way to the bottom of the homepage, there will be a box where you can enter your email address for these announcements to be sent directly to your inbox.

Housing Assistance:

Fair Housing Navigator - Colorado Housing Connects 
Provides Coloradans with reliable and trustworthy access to information regarding affordable housing, housing assistance, tenant rights, and more. They commit that a call with a navigator will leave individuals more informed, and equipped to handle your housing issue.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 2250 Eaton St., Suite B, Denver, CO 80214
Phone Number: 844-926-6632, calling them is the best method for assistance.
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am to 5:00pm,​ Monday through Friday

Services Provided: Housing navigation, Resource connection
Eligibility Criteria: Available to all Coloradoans seeking housing help
Application/Intake Process: Call or go to their website to see what resources may be best for you.


South Metro Housing Options
Service Area: Arapaho​e
Street Address: 5808 South Rapp Street Suite 100​
Phone Number: +13037949608​
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SMHO is closed to the public on Fridays.​
Services Provided: Voucher Administration​
Eligibility Criteria: The South Metro Housing Options (SMHO) administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) program. The HCVP program is the federal government's major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled with decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing in the private market.​
Application/Intake Process:  Available to meet in person by appointment. ​
Additional Information: Project Based Vouchers:
An additional program administered by South Metro Housing Options is called Project Based Vouchers (PBV). This program allocates vouchers to be used for specific units within our portfolio. The PBV program ties a rental subsidy to a specified unit and bedroom size at participating SMHO communities. A separate waitlist is used for PBVs. Preference will be given to applicants age 62+ for our newest property Overlook at Powers Park.


Denver Rescue Mission
Service Area: Denver​, several counties
Street Address: 6100 Smith Road​
Phone Number: 3032971815​​
Hours of Operation: 24/7/365​
Services Provided: Rental Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Substance Use​
Eligibility Criteria: For vulnerable neighbors in low-income households, mainly focused on individuals, women, families, and veterans who are actively homeless per HUD guidelines.
Application/Intake Process: Emergency services like meals, 24/7 shelter, restrooms, and our Next Step services are available at our Lawrence Street Community Center and 48th Avenue Center- Denver Rescue Mission. Our goal is that these short-term solutions help you gain some stability and a path out of homelessness. All guests must sign up at the Lawrence Street Community Center to be entered into the bed assignment system. For more information, contact us at 303.297.1815.
Additional Information: Denver Rescue Mission is not equipped to provide emergency overnight shelter to women or children, but other partner organizations in Denver are available. If you are a woman experiencing homelessness and are seeking immediate shelter for yourself and your children, please call 303.294.0157 to be referred to an appropriate shelter.


OneHome - Coordinated Assessment and Entry - Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI)
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 711 Park Ave W, Suite 320 Denver, Colorado 80205
Phone Number: 720-251-2100​
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am to 5:00pm​, Monday-Friday
Services Provided: Resource Navigation, Homeless services
Eligibility Criteria:
Metro Denver’s Coordinated Entry System serves all people experiencing homelessness. Please contact an Access Point if you meet any of the following criteria: 
- Living outside or in a place not meant for human habitation
- Living in a shelter, transitional housing, or motel paid for by an agency
- Exiting an institution where you resided for up to 90 days and were in a shelter or a place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution
- Young adults (age 18-24) who are at-risk of homelessness, as defined by HUD, and have been in foster care at least one day on or after their 16th birthday. Can include young people in institutional placement or department of youth services. We recommend going to Urban Peak or TGTHR if you meet this specific criteria.
Application/Intake Process: 

This is Colorado’s statewide database for community resources. If you’re emailing for shelter info, food banks, rental assistance, & other resources Call 2-1-1 (or Toll Free: 888-217-1215) to speak with a person at the call center first.


Generational Opportunities to Achieve Long-term Success (GOALS) -Family Tree, Inc.
The GOALS program is a Two-Generation housing program for families experiencing homelessness from Aurora and Arapahoe County. GOALS provides families a private room while they develop long-term goals for stability and self-reliance.
Service Area: Aurora
Street Address: 14991 E Oxford Avenue Aurora, CO 80014
Phone Number: (303) 693-1241
Email Address: cfrt@thefamilytree.or
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am to 5:00pm​, Monday-Friday
Services Provided: Family homeless services
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a family who is literally homeless in Aurora.
Application/Intake Process: Call to get set up with a Case Management appointment.

Giving Heart Englewood
Service Area: Arapaho​e, Englewood
Street Address:
4358 South Broadway​
Phone Number:
Hours of Operation:
Every Tuesday and Thursday​
Services Provided:
Food Security, Transportation, Employment
Eligibility Criteria: Available to anyone who wants to receive help​.
Application/Intake Process:
Walk-ins or schedule an appointment for the program needed​. 
Wait time:
First come, first serve. Provides about 150 slots monthly.​
Additional Information:
This day shelter is open only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00pm. There is no waiting list. They provide shelter resources.


Comitis Crisis Center
Service Area: Adams, Arapaho​e
Street Address: 919 PO Box​
Phone Number: +1 303-343-7808​, call only. No email.
Hours of Operation: 7:30 am to 4:40 pm​
Services Provided: Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Food Security, LGBTQIA+ Services, Case Management, Substance Use, Clothing ​, family services
Eligibility Criteria: Available to homeless families or homeless veteran families. This is a recent change as Comitis used to be available to both families as well as individual adults, but Comitis has now switched to only offering services/overnight access to homeless families. For single adults, they can instead visit the Aurora Day Shelter (not an overnight shelter unless activated as a response to Cold Weather).
Application/Intake Process: 
- Emergency family shelter: Lottery line / (303) 341-9160. Call 5 am – 12 pm. Call after 2 pm to confirm.  ​
Additional Information: Cold Weather Activation response
• Aurora Day Resource Center is a 24/7 shelter during certain times of the winter season (for individual adults).
• During cold weather activation, the family lottery is bypassed, and the shelter is in a first-come, first-serve situation. No families will be turned away.
• Text WARMUP to 313131 Receive real-time updates about emergency shelter, cold-weather activation, events, support, and more.

Aurora Day Center
Service Area:
Street Address: 13387 E. 19th Pl.​
Phone Number: (303) 343-7808​​
Hours of Operation: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm​
Services Provided: Emergency Day Shelter, Food Security, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Employment​
Eligibility Criteria: Available to homeless single adults in Aurora​ (age 18+)
Application/Intake Process: During cold weather activation the shelter becomes a first-come, first-serve accommodation. Specifically for homeless  single adults. Lottery line: (303) 341-9160. Call 5 am – noon on the first Wednesday of each month. Call after 2 pm to confirm. Monthly stays begin on the first Wednesday of each month.
Additional Information: Aurora Day Resource Center is one  of the programs offered under the Comitis Crisis Center. It is a day shelter that offers: Housing assistance, employment services, financial literacy, and other resources  24/7 shelter during certain times of the winter season.

Innovative Housing Concepts  (formerly Englewood Housing Authority )
Service Area: Arapaho​e
Street Address: 3460 S. Sherman St. Suite 101​
Phone Number: 303-761-6200​
Email Address:​​
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am to 4:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. By appointment only on Wednesday.
Services Provided: Voucher Administration​
Eligibility Criteria:
- Have income at or below HUD-specified very low income limits;
- Qualify on the basis of citizenship or the eligible immigrant status of family members;
- Provide social security number information for household members as required; and
- Consent to the PHA’s collection and use of family information as provided for in PHA-provided consent forms.
- The applicant must not exceed established income guidelines at the time of  application and admission.​
Application/Intake Process:  The housing authority accepts applications only when the waiting lists for various programs are open. ​
Wait time: For Project Base Properties, the average wait time is 2 years on their waiting list.
Additional Information: The housing authority accepts applications only when the waiting lists for various programs are open. When the waiting list is open, applicants will be placed on the waiting list in order of the date and time received. When a lottery is open, applicants will be randomly placed in the lottery. The housing authority offers preferences to certain groups of persons, depending on the housing program. Applicants who can verify that they qualify for a preference are housing before other applicants with no preferences. Admissions policies are available for review upon request from the housing authority offices.​

Aegis & Momentum Group Homes
Aegis & Momentum Group Homes is a provider of transitional housing, group homes, and halfway house accommodations in Colorado.
Service Area: Their current Group Home/Transitional Housing building is located in Aurora but they are hoping to branch out into the Denver Metro Area in the near future. Their next location will be in Lakewood, CO - but since this location is still being built, their sole service area currently is in Aurora, CO.
Street Address: 4885 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80113
Phone Number: 303-619-3282
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 8am-5pm Monday-Friday (available on weekends on an as-needed basis for house showings only)
Services Provided: Transitional housing, Group homes, and Halfway house. They do not provide medical services in their group home location but they may be able to connect a resident using their services to third party organizations that the resident can reach out to outside of their group home location. Through their group homes setup, they offer:
- Furnished shared living spaces in an all-bills-paid environment.
- Support for ex-offenders, parolees, and individuals with mental health or developmental challenges (MHMR).
- Separate properties for men and women, all conveniently located near bus lines.
- Acceptance of SSDI/SSI and other housing vouchers to accommodate various needs.
Eligibility Criteria: 
- Applicants should be 18 years or older and will need some sort of income or have a job lined up to be able to sustainably live in Aegis & Momentum’s Group Homes. 
- They also accept housing vouchers. 
- Clients referred through a re-entry program are also accepted. 
- Each room is shared amongst 2 people, each person paying $700. 
- Due to their values of being accessible to all, they also have low-barrier entry to their residences, which allows them not to disqualify most applicants. 
- This means clients who may have criminal history may still be accepted on a case-by-case basis (this also includes people with arson, drug-distribution, or sex offense charges).
Application/Intake Process: The best way for clients to get into their waitlist is to apply online directly via their website HERE. Submitted applications will be sent directly to their email where staff will outreach based on that waitlist. Clients are received on a first-come, first-served basis, so after applying and once it’s your turn on the waitlist, they will reach out to fill out an intake form. That intake form process should be fairly quick.
Wait Time: Their current location has 6 beds, where each bed is leased out on a month-to-month basis. Applications are reviewed on a first-come first served basis, so the typical wait time at minimum could be around a month long.
Additional Information: 
- Arson, drug-distribution, and other criminal charges will not disqualify candidates or impact their ability to get access to their group home. The only exception is that sex offenses criminal history is reviewed on a case-by-case basis but does not immediately disqualify candidates from their housing either.
- Each room is shared amongst 2 people, each person paying $700 per month.


Utility Assistance:

Energy Bill Payment Assistance - Energy Outreach Colorado
Service Area: State Wide​
Street Address: 225 East 16th Avenue​
Phone Number: 303.825.8750​
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm​
Services Provided: Utility Assistance​
Eligibility Criteria:
- Their income is at or below 80% Area Median Income (varies by county).
- To qualify for assistance: you must pay home energy costs directly to an energy vendor/utility, your bill is past due or you are running low on fuel, you must meet income qualifications. ​
Application/Intake Process: First, go to this website:
- Apply For their Bill Payment Assistance through their Partnered Agencies, which can be found on this website by entering your zip code to find an agency that serves your area.
Contact the agency before showing up in person to be aware of their current procedures. 
For more assistance call 1.866.HEAT.HELP (1.866.432.8435).​

Electric & Gas Affordability Programs through Xcel

Non-emergency energy assistance programs are administered and supervised by Xcel Energy. Click this following link to be directly sent to Colorado's Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) website.
Service Area: State Wide​
Phone Number: 1-866-432-8435
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm​
Services Provided: Utility Assistance​

Eligibility Criteria: If your income is up to 60% of the state median income level, you may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. The state median income level used for the 2023-24 LEAP season was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in July 2023. The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the primary heating fuel costs and income.

Application/Intake Process: The 2023-24 LEAP season is now open. Applications are accepted until April 30, 2024.

Additional information: LEAP accepts applications between November and April. Click below to learn more about applying for LEAP benefits, including a checklist to help you prepare your application. If you're looking for assistance outside of LEAP season, it may be available. Please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) for more information.

Aurora Water Cares

Aurora Water Cares helps families who are past due on their water bills with up to $500 in assistance once per calendar year with a limit of four lifetime awards. Payments are made directly to the utility on the customer's behalf.
Service Area: Arapaho​e, Aurora
Street Address: 15151 East Alameda Parkway​
Phone Number: 303-367-2757​ (City of Aurora's main line)
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00pm​
Services Provided: Utility Assistance​
Eligibility Criteria: Must be an Aurora resident and Aurora Water customer. Must meet income requirements. Must be past due on your bill due to a medical crisis, job loss or other challenges.
Application/Intake Process: If you need help paying your bill, call Aurora Water Cares to get information about eligibility. Representatives will direct you to local agencies that can help you fill out an application and get bill payment assistance.​
Additional Information:
- The fastest and easiest way to apply is with your SpryEngage account at Once you've logged into your existing account, access the Aurora Water Cares form and upload your information.
- You can also set up a SpryEngage account at There are additional links on this website that can walk you through the process as well.

Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS)
Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS) has limited funds to provide Aurora residents with emergency assistance for electrical or water utility bills. The Food Bank is a client-choice food bank for Aurora residents which provides quality food items to hungry individuals and families.

Phone Number: 303-360-0260
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 5:00pmMonday-Friday
Services Provided: Utility Assistance​, Food Security
Eligibility Criteria:

- An Aurora resident with current mail-within 30 days-validating address, unless homeless
- ID’s for all being served

Application/Intake Process: Our appointment times occur on Monday through Thursday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  Call 303-360-0260 after 8:30 AM to make an appointment for the same day.  We recommend calling early because we have limited staff.


Phone/Broadband Assistance:

Lifeline Program - TDS Telecommunications

TDS provides a monthly discount on communication services which may include broadband internet, phone (landline or wireless), or bundles to eligible low-income households.
Service Area: Denver, State Wide, National
Phone Number: 1-866-734-0704
Services Provided: Phone/Broadband assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Must be either 80% AMI for your County or receive State Benefits (such as Food Stamps, TANF, WIC, SSI, Medicaid, etc).
Application/Intake Process: Chat with us, fill out a contact form, or call us at 1-866-571-6662.


Low-Cost Internet Plan - PCs For People

PCs For People provides a Low-Cost Internet Plan for low-income individuals needing internet connectivity in their households. A modem with unlimited 4G LTE internet service is provided to connect those using this program to the internet.
Service Area: Denver, State Wide, National
Phone Number: 651-354-2552
Email Address:
Location: 2492 Doswell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108
Services Provided: Phone/Broadband assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- This program helps people with income at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines.
- Must be below the 200% poverty level or be currently enrolled in an income-based government assistance program.
Hours of Operation:
- Monday-Friday 7am-8pm CST
- Saturday: 8am-6pm CST
Application/Intake Process: Call to see what TDS options and services are nearest you.
- Must bring these documents to verify eligibility:
- A photo ID
- Proof of Income: The prior year's state, federal, or tribal tax return (W2 forms or pay stubs are not acceptable)


Food Security:

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Food Pantry - Jewish Family Service of Colorado (JFS)
Service Area: State Wide​
Street Address: 3201 South Tamarac Drive​
Phone Number: 303-597-5000​
Email Address:  Fill out the "Contact Us" information form at the bottom of this website for them to reach out to you via email. They suggest you directly call instead of email if you'd like a faster response time.​
Hours of Operation: 
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- The doors to the building open at 10:00 a.m. If you arrive early, please wait in your car, outside, or at your home until it is your turn to shop.
- The last Wednesday of every month pantry hours are from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ​
Services Provided: Food Security​
Eligibility Criteria: This program primarily serves clients in the Denver Metro area, however any Colorado resident may access this program.  Covered counties include: Adams County, CO, Arapahoe County, CO, Broomfield County, CO, Clear Creek County, CO, Denver County, CO, Douglas County, CO, Elbert County, CO, Gilpin County, CO, Jefferson County, CO and Park County, CO.​
Application/Intake Process: You may visit the food pantry two times per month. When you arrive, please text 833-340-1096. Do not text until you have arrived and parked. Text “Shop” if you would like to shop for your groceries or “Food box” if you would like a box delivered to your car. 
Please join the waitlist at 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. for evening pantry. Please wait at home until you receive the message that your turn is in 30 minutes.
Documents Required:  

- Identification: Required
- Proof of Income: Self Reported but not required
- Proof of Residency: Required
- Household Member Documents: ID for all household members
Wait time: Must do the intake process before you get access. After that, the wait time is fairly quick.

Free Food Market - SECORCares
Weekly pick up during Food Pantry hours. The Free Food Market is a food pantry that serves the residents of Arapahoe, Douglas, and Elbert Counties who are struggling with suburban poverty. Through the Free Food Market, guests are able to shop and put food on their tables, without concern for payment.
Service Area: Arapahoe, Douglas, and Elbert County
Street Address: 17151 Pine Lane Parker, CO, 80134​
Phone Number: 720-842-5621
Hours of Operation:
Wednesday & Thursday: 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Friday & Saturday: 9 A.M. - 1 P.M.
Services Provided: Food security
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a resident of either Arapahoe, Douglas, or Elbert County and provide ID and proof of residency.
Application/Intake Process: For New or re-occurring recipients, please go to this link HERE in order to confirm eligibility and fill out an application. After you've filled out the application and confirmed eligibility, please bring an ID and proof of residency (lease agreement, utility bill, etc) and schedule an appointment to shop at SECOR.
Wait Time: Weekly pick up during Food Pantry hours.

Food Distribution - Integrated Family Community Services (IFCS)
Integrated Family Community Services provides contact-free food distribution to anyone in Colorado in need of food assistance.
Service Area: We have a service area of western Arapahoe and northern Douglas Counties (Centennial, Englewood, Glendale, Greenwood Village, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Lone Tree and Sheridan) and southwest Denver Neighborhoods. This includes Bear Valley, College View, Fort Logan, Harvey Park, Harvey Park South, Marston & South Platte (Southwest Neighborhoods further defined as being south of Jewell and west of Santa Fe). Central Denver, North Denver, and Aurora applications will not be accepted.
Street Address: 3370 South Irving Street, Englewood, CO 80110​
Phone Number: (303) 789-0501
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Services Provided: Food security, Utility assistance, No-cost recreation center passes, Rental assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Anyone experiencing food insecurity and self-identifying as meeting the Income Guidelines (link HERE for income guideline) is eligible for IFCS Food Market services.
Application/Intake Process: Open Monday through Friday, visitors must check-in upon arrival. Shopping services are first come, first served during IFCS’ Service Hours.
For first-time visitors:
To decrease wait time for first time visitors, we offer online pre-registration. Before visiting The Market @ IFCS, use the links below and, after completing the online form, screenshot or write down your Client ID so we can find your information quickly. (Paper registration is available at check in for those who need it.)

- Online Pre-Registration Form
- Follow these steps to Pre-Register: Flier in English and Spanish

Wait Time: Visitors may check-in to shop The Market @ IFCS during IFCS’ regular Service Hours. Reminder that the Market closes sometimes due to food deliveries, so check in advance to confirm you're able to visit on the day of when you plan to pick up food.


Food Pantry During COVID-19 - Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry (CCFP)
Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry (CCFP) serves those facing food insecurity in a respectful and compassionate environment.
Street Address: 5400 South Yosemite St Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111​
Phone Number: (720) 841-5129
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Fridays 1:00-4:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted)
Services Provided: Food security
Eligibility Criteria: Must meet income requirements and register for services.
Application/Intake Process:

- Registration is required to receive food at Covenant Cupboard.  You will be required to visit our new client desk on your first visit where the Food Bank of the Rockies Link2Feed application must be completed.
Documentation needed for registration:

- Proof of Identification
– An official photo ID such as a drivers license, state ID card, green card, passport  or other government agency form showing your birthdate. You should bring your ID on every visit.
- Income Qualifications: Although you must meet the following income guidelines, the system only requires self-verification. This means you will not be required to provide income verification documents. 
Wait Time: Within 1-2 hours.


Food Pantry - Wellspring Englewood
Wellspring Englewood provides supplemental groceries to individuals and families in need of assistance in the community.
Service Area: Arapahoe
Street Address: 3885 S Broadway, Englewood, Colorado 80113​
Phone Number: 303.789.2878
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Sundays 11:30am - 1pm
Services Provided: Food Security
Eligibility Criteria: Available to all
Application/Intake Process: Go in-person to their location on Sundays from 11:30am-1pm for food resources.
Wait time: Within 1 hour

Catholic Charities - Little Flower Emergency Assistance Center
This Catholic Charities powerhouse is a food pantry, clothing closet and resource center that offers tremendous support for the community. Little Flower partners with a host of amazing parishes, businesses, agencies, organizations and volunteers to receive and distribute food and critical supplies to neighbors in Aurora and beyond.
Service Area: Aurora, Adams, East Denver Metro area
Street Address: 11149 E. 14th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80010
Phone Number: 303-360-9686
Hours of Operation: Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Food Security and additional basic needs supplies during cold weather seasons.
Eligibility Requirements: Please call or visit the website to learn more about eligibility requirements.
Application/Intake Process: Call for more information. Every adult in the household must provide a valid photo identification and current proof of address.


Out of School Time Care - YMCA of Metropolitan Denver
Out of School Time Care at the Y provides daily curriculum for children ages 5 to 12 years old. We provide a mentoring relationship between your child and our caring staff that maximizes their personal empowerment, exploration and learning. A safe setting, character values, positive role models and enrichment activities area all part of the Y child care experience.
Service Area: State Wide​
Street Address: 2625 South Colorado Boulevard​
Phone Number: 303 861 8300​​
Hours of Operation:
- Mon - Thu: 5:30 AM - 9 PM.
- Fri: 5:30 AM - 8 PM.
- NOTE: Each school is different. The OST program hours are based on the current school calendar available to the YMCA from the school district. If the school district makes changes to their calendars, we may adjust our program hours and will let families know as soon as possible.  
Services Provided: Childcare​
Eligibility Criteria: Please note all children must be between the ages of 5 to 12 years old to register for YMCA Out of School Time Program.​
Application/Intake Process: Online registration takes 5-10 minutes. Please use Firefox or Chrome as your browser.  ​
Additional Information:  Accepts CCAP, Scholarships and Sibling discounts.

Clothing for Children - Clothes To Kids Of Denver
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, Boulder, Broomfield​
Street Address: 2890 South Colorado Boulevard​
Phone Number: 720-379-4630​
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 4 pm
Shopping by appointment only​
Services Provided: Clothing ​
Eligibility Criteria: Students must be age 3-21, live in the 11-county Denver Metro Area and be enrolled in preschool – 12th grade, or working toward a GED. family is in crisis (due to job loss, disaster, poverty, homelessness or displacement). Their family is experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are refugees and asylum seekers. They are eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) at school. They are in kinship or foster care. They are receiving services from a school, school district, human service agency, shelter, hospital, clinic or place of worship.​
Application/Intake Process: Please call us to make an appointment if the students in your household meet our Basic Eligibility Requirements listed ​.

Family Promise of Greater Denver
Service Area: Arapahoe, Aurora​
Street Address: PO Box 172125, Denver, CO 80217​
Phone Number: (303) 675-0713​​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am--5pm​
Services Provided: Security Deposit Assistance , Childcare​
Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for move in assistance, applicants must:
Be experiencing literal homelessness (staying in a shelter, outdoors or in a vehicle) or doubled up (staying with friends or family).
Be approved for move in and be able to show documentation of this with the move in date and all move in costs outlined.
Have children under the age of 18 with at least 50% custody, have an adult child with disabilities, be pregnant or have a partner who is pregnant, have children that have been removed from the home but have a reunification plan in place, or have a child that is 18 but still in high school.​
Application/Intake Process: Be prepared to provide proof of income (2 most recent paystubs, letter from employer, etc.).
Being able to pay a portion of the balance is required. This ensures families can sustain rent for the duration of their lease.
Without proof of income, we are not able to assist with move in expenses.  
Due to limited funding, applying for move in assistance does not guarantee Family Promise will be able to assist. Please apply to as many other organizations as possible.​



Basic Emergency Services (BES) - Servicios de La Raza
BES – Basic Emergency Services offers a food pantry, clothing bank, reduced cost child car seats and case management services to assist vulnerable individuals and families out of crisis.
Street Address: 3131 West 14th Avenue​
Phone Number: 303-458-5851​
Email Address: ​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm​
Services Provided: Food Security, Mental Health Services, Healthcare, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Domestic Violence, Clothing ​
Eligibility Criteria: Servicios de La Raza serves diverse client populations including those who are homeless, victims of domestic violence, low & moderate-income families, veterans, people re-entering society post- incarceration, LGBTQ+ community, senior citizens, mixed-status households, and anyone who is having trouble making ends meet. ​
Application/Intake Process: Call their number to get directed to the correct department.​


Clothing Bank - Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS)
We have a full clothing bank that has clean, new or used, up-to-date clothing for men, women, and children for all seasons. We will offer new underwear and socks for every member of the household. Clients are eligible every 6 months.
Service Area: Denver​, Aurora
Street Address: 1553 Clinton St​
Phone Number: +1 303-360-0260​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.​
Services Provided: Food Security​, Bus ticket, Toiletries, School supplies
Eligibility Criteria: You must be a resident of Aurora or Denver to receive services.  If you are homeless, you may receive an emergency food package.​
Application/Intake Process: Call us at 303-360-0260 or fill out the email form to the right. Our phone lines open for appointments at 8:30 am.  We recommend calling early because we have limited staff. Please keep trying if you get a busy signal.​
Wait time: Please call ahead to see if tickets are available and to schedule an appointment. New clients should complete a New Client Application on our website before contacting us for services.
Additional Information: New clients should complete the New Client Application on their website. To get food assistance, clients should call in the morning for a same-day appointment to select food in the afternoon by appointment. It is recommended to call early because there is limited staff. Please keep trying if you get a busy signal.


Career Training Program - CrossPurpose
Our tuition-free, six-month career training program aims to empower individuals in Denver to develop the personal and professional skills that they need to succeed in the workplace. We offer a variety of career certification and pre-apprenticeship tracks to provide a wide selection of career opportunities.
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas​
Street Address: 2959 Franklin Street​
Phone Number: +1 720-724-9544​​
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm​
Services Provided: Justice Involved Services , Education, Employment​
Application/Intake Process: Complete intake form on their website. Wait time depends on programs' start dates. Some programs provide a monetary stipend for enrolled and active "students", but do not provide rent assistance.


Career Preparation & Placement - CommunityWorks
CommunityWorks offers a variety of career preparation and placement services to individuals seeking employment.
Service Area: Arapahoe, some programs are available statewide.
Street Address: 6000 E Evans Ave Bldg 2 Ste 100, Denver, CO 80222
Phone Number: 303-433-0300
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm​
Services Provided: Employment​
Eligibility: Must be a Colorado resident
Application/Intake Process: Sign up HERE to book a session with a career empowerment coach.


Pre-Employment Transitional Services - Project SEARCH - Easterseals Colorado
Easterseals Colorado provides employment-focused services to students with disabilities who are transitioning out of high school and into community employment, post-secondary education, adulthood and independence. Our Pre-Employment Transition Services are aimed at promoting and exploring competitive, integrated employment options for these youth in transition.
Service Area: Arapahoe
Street Address: 393 S. Harlan St. Suite 250, Lakewood, CO 80226
Phone Number: (303) 233-1666
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm​
Services Provided: Employment​

Eligibility: Client Employment Services provided by Easterseals are designed for:
- Persons with disabilities whose functional limitations present substantial barriers to employment
- Persons experiencing barriers to employment that need to find stable employment
- Persons that need supportive work places that can allow them to grow into their full potential
- Employers who would like to increase and diversify their pool of eligible workers
Application/Intake Process: Call for assistance if you meet eligibility criteria.


Employment Services - WORK NOW
WORKNOW is a construction industry-specific employment platform designed with and for working families in the community to ensure local residents can easily access career resources connected to local City and State infrastructure projects.
Service Area: Arapahoe
Street Address: 2 Locations:
1) Auraria Campus Bear Creek Building 855 Champa Street, Denver CO 80204
2) We have more locations through our partnered organizations which can be found HERE
Phone Number: 303-352-6019
Hours of Operation: Depends on location
Services Provided: Employment​
Eligibility: Must be older than 18 years old and seeking construction related employment.
Application/Intake Process: Submit interest/application form, to which they will reach out and assign you a employment navigator who will assist you in seeking construction employment/employment prep.


Career Forward - Arapahoe Community College
Career Forward is a program for individuals who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Through this program, each participant gets affordable access to a college education and the support they need to start and finish a certificate or degree so they can get the job they want in Colorado’s workforce.
Service Area: Arapahoe
Street Address: 5900 S. Santa Fe Drive Littleton, CO 80120 (Workforce & Community Programs Littleton Campus - M2405)
Phone Number: 303.797.5722
Hours of Operation: Depends on location
Services Provided: Employment​
Eligibility: Must meet both these criteria's: 
- Economic loss due to COVID-19
- Desire to earn a certificate or degree at ACC
Application/Intake Process:
- Fill out the Career Forward Interest Form (View our tutorial if you need help completing the form)
- Meet with the Career Forward Workforce Navigator to determine eligibility


Honest Jobs (Job Platform & Services for Criminal Justice Involved Individuals)
Honest Jobs is a national job marketplace for people who have been affected by the criminal justice system. Every time you search for a job with us, our system analyzes thousands of job descriptions near you. We create "smart matches" by taking into consideration your unique criminal history and comparing it to the required job duties, showing you how compatible a job is with your specific background, resulting in a much quicker path to employment!
Services Provided: Employment​
Eligibility: Available to people who have been in/released from the criminal justice system and are seeking employment.
Application/Intake Process: Everything is done online as this is an online platform designed to help criminal justice clients find employment. You can search jobs on their website directly by filling out their Job Seeker's interest form.


Domestic Violence Resources:

Roots of Courage (ROC) - Family Tree
Family Tree Roots of Courage is a confidential, residential facility for survivors of domestic violence and those with children. When in shelter, Family Tree aims to keep survivors safe by providing advocacy, safety planning, community resources, health care, and other supportive services for children and their parents.
Phone Number: +1 303-420-0412​
Email Address: Fill out their "Contact us" form to get in touch via email.​
Hours of Operation: 24/7 for the hotline​
Services Provided: Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Childcare, Domestic Violence​
Eligibility Criteria: Actively fleeing domestic violence (DV)​
Application/Intake Process: Either call their hotline @  (303) 420-6752 or fill out the "Contact us" form for email communication (website for this is )​
Additional information:
There are 2 types of beds/spaces offered in general, 1 side for single women and the other for families/single mothers.

Medical Need:

Family Respite Voucher Program - Colorado Respite Coalition (CRC)
Caregivers of individuals who need support with personal care, supervision, and monitoring, may find themselves in need of respite (or short breaks) from time to time. This program offers a resource for unserved and underserved family caregivers who have limited access to respite care and/or other supports through current systems.
Phone Number: 303-233-1666 x8
Street Address: 393 S Harlan St Suite 250 Lakewood CO 80226
Services Provided: Elderly services, Disability services, Caregiver support
Eligibility Criteria: This program offers a resource for unserved and underserved family caregivers who have limited access to respite care and/or other supports through current systems.
Application/Intake Process: Either call or apply online HERE.


Mental Health:

Counseling Services - Maria Droste Counseling Center
At Maria Droste Counseling Center, we offer psychotherapy and counseling services for adults, children, teens, couples, and families. We have clinicians who specialize in treating a variety of concerns and issues. Maria Droste Counseling Center has been formed out of the understanding that people need access to counseling regardless of their ability to pay.
Service Area: Arapahoe, Statewide
Street Address: 1355 South Colorado Blvd., Suite C-100 Denver, Colorado 80222-3305 USA 
Phone Number: 303-867-4600
Services Provided: Counseling, Mental health services​
Eligibility: Resident of Colorado seeking mental health care.
Application/Intake Process: If you’re ready to get matched up with the counselor right for you, or if you have questions – email or call us. Maria Droste Counseling Center Denver is currently offering services via telehealth and in-person. No matter where you’re located in Colorado, we can help.


Family Therapy - Aurora Mental Health and Recovery
Aurora Mental Health Center's outpatient centers offer family therapy or family counseling as a model of therapy. We often use this familial approach in treatment to address specific issues that impact the entire family like major life transitions, interpersonal conflict, communication, or parenting challenges.
Service Area: Aurora
Street Address: 2206 Victor Street, Aurora CO 80045
Phone Number: 303-867-4600
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Services Provided: Counseling, Mental health services​
Eligibility: Resident of Colorado seeking mental health care.
Application/Intake Process: If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please visit our Walk-in Crisis Clinic located at 2206 Victor Street in Aurora, 24/7/365. If you are feeling overwhelmed and need to talk, please call us at 303-617-230, we are available 24/7/365.



Bus Tickets - Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS)
When available, AICS provides low-income Aurora residents with bus tickets to help them get to work or critical appointments.
Street Address: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410
Phone Number: 303-360-0260
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 5:00pmMonday-Friday
Services Provided: Utility Assistance​, Food Security
Eligibility Criteria:
- An Aurora resident with current mail-within 30 days-validating address, unless homeless
- ID’s for all being served
Application/Intake Process: Our appointment times occur on Monday through Thursday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.  Call 303-360-0260 after 8:30 AM to make an appointment for the same day.  We recommend calling early because we have limited staff.

A Little Help
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapaho, Jefferson, Douglas, Broomfield, Larimer​
Street Address: 2755 South Locust Street​
Phone Number: 720-242-9032​
Email Address:​
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00pm​
Services Provided: Transportation​ for seniors 55+
Eligibility Criteria:  
- Volunteers support older adults ages 55+ in Denver, Jefferson, Larimer, Mesa, and parts of Douglas, Arapahoe, Adams and Broomfield Counties.
- Individual lives in an area serviced by A Little Help Individual has a permanent residence,
- Individual has needs that fall within the scope of A Little Help’s services.
- Individual is able to verbally communicate by oneself over the phone or by email​
Application/Intake Process:
Application can be completed online or by phone. Once submitted, you will receive a call within 10 business days from our Membership Team to discuss your application.​
Additional Information:
- They request at least 5 business days’ notice for transportation requests. They can typically accommodate one ride per household per week.
- Transportation requests should be fewer than 8 miles one-way.
- Little Help helps seniors maintain good health and a high quality of life by providing round-trip transportation to health-related outings, grocery stores, and to social engagements.


Gone for Good - Thrift Store
Waste service organization that also has a thrift store for day-of donations.
Service Area: Ault, Aurora, Broomfield, and Denver Colorado
Street Address: Click on each link for a specific location’s website.
Ault, CO: 220-222 1st Street, Ault, CO 80610 (serves Ault, Ft. Collins, and Greeley area)
Aurora, CO: 16710 E 2nd Ave, Aurora, CO 80011 (serves Aurora, Denver, Commerce City, and Englewood area)
Broomfield, CO: 3400 Industrial Ln. #8B, Broomfield, CO 80020 (serves Boulder, Broomfield, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, and Westminster area)
Denver, CO: 2268 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80210
Phone Number:
Ault, CO: (970) 236-4944
Aurora, CO: (720) 547-2787
Broomfield, CO: (720) 599-1332
Denver, CO: (720) 740-5100
Hours of Operation: We can help Get it Gone For Good between 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Please give us a call if you are needing a Saturday Pickup. We are closed on Sundays.
Services Provided: Junk Removal, Waste Recycling, and Thrift Store (which may provide low-cost/free furniture)
Eligibility Criteria: Only for the homeless or people who have recently found housing and are trying to get furniture/household items for said housing. The Denver location can provide a $100 voucher for their thrift store only if the Case Manager/worker for the client officially makes an appointment (client cannot do so).
Application/Intake Process: A Case Worker/Case Manager with an established 5013c has to go online to their website to sign up for an appointment and pick up the items directly on said appointment (the client can come with the CM for the appointment but they cannot make the appointment and do it themselves).
Additional Information: Since this is a waste removal organization first and foremost, there are a LOT of items that come into their stores everyday. That being said, items vary everyday and are switched out/disposed of everyday. They cannot hold furniture or mattresses as they take up too much space in their stores.
- They have a lot of mattresses/box springs/furniture that they usually have on a daily basis, but that supply amount changes every day.
- They do regular quality control/checks for bugs. There is no worry for any exposure to bed bugs/pests.
- Depending on supply of furniture/mattresses/box springs and timing, they can either sell the mattresses for a very cheap price (around $10) or even potentially for free (if they are about to get rid of them for the day).


Life Needs Financial Assistance - Helping Hands For Freedom (HHFF)
Helping Hands for Freedom provides emergency financial assistance to Veteran, Military or Gold Star family who have been honorably discharged with at least one child 18 or under in the home.
Service Area: National, Statewide
Street Address: 5023 West 120th Ave #260 Broomfield, CO 80020
Phone Number: 720-530-9990
Email Address:​
Services Provided: Veteran assistance
Eligibility Criteria: ​Must be an active duty or veteran client.
Application/Intake Process: Required documents include a copy of the service members DD214 and the discharge must be Honorable, current photo ID, a copy of the front of page one of your most recent federal tax return, most recent bank statement and copies of debts you want considered for payment. If you are disabled, we need a copy of your disability compensation letter from the Veterans Administration. If you are active duty, we need a copy of your current service record. If you are a Gold Star family, we need the death certificate.
- All required documents must be submitted within 2 weeks of the original request or benefits can be denied. Your application will not be considered or sent to the committee until all documents have been received in readable condition. No application will be reviewed without all appropriate documentation.
- Do not insert documents into the body of an email, they need to be PDF/JPG type attachments.
- All applications go through an approval process with our committee that may take up to two weeks. Their decision is final. There are no appeals.
- Email all required documents to
- Or you may print out the application and fax all other required documents to our office at 800-690-1759.
- If you have questions email: call 602-845-1390 x100 or fax 800-690-1759


Homes for All Veterans (HAV) - Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) - Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS)
Homes for All Veterans SSVF program provides a wide range of services designed to promote housing stability and alleviate chronic homelessness. This program provides: Homelessness prevention, Case management, Housing referrals, and Navigation of complex benefits systems.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 9900 E. Iliff Ave. Denver, CO 80231
Phone Number:
- RMHS Contact Center: (844) 790-7647 for immediate case manager assistance
- RMHS Main Line: (303) 636-5600 for general questions
Email Address:
Services Provided: Veteran assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- SSVF Veteran Status: A person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, regardless of length of service, and who was discharged or released there from.
- Did not receive a Dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason of a General Court-Martial.*
- Gross Income less than 50% of Area Median Income (per County residing and household size).
- Must be homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Application/Intake Process: Call to start referral process for services.


Veterans’ Guide to Vocational Schools and Apprenticeship Programs - Intelligent
This online guide aims to support veterans by offering insights into the benefits of non-traditional postsecondary education and shedding light on critical aspects of vocational and apprenticeship programs, such as eligibility, costs, and adapting to the civilian workforce.
Service Area: Statewide, National; online service
Service Provided: Veteran services
Application/Intake Process: The website itself breaks down the benefits or grants available to veterans seeking further education opportunities. There is no requirement to sign up for any of these schools, but it is helpful to overview what you might be eligible for & see what kind of grants/discounts are out there for specific military/veteran members.

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