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Teletypewriter/TTY servicePhone/Broadband Assistance
Financial/Rental Assistance/Utility Assistance
General Housing Assistance
Transitional Housing
Food Security
Veteran Services
Pet Assistance
Justice Related
Immigration Resources
Domestic Violence
Teletypewriter/TTY service
Relay Colorado - Teletypewriter (TTY)
Relay Colorado is a statewide live relay service that enables people with hearing or speech loss who use a teletypewriter (TTY) or other assistive device to communicate with standard telephone users.Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 333 Inverness S Dr
Phone Number: 800-659-2656
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Services Provided: Disability Services, specifically for people that have hearing or speech loss
Eligibility Criteria: N/A, available to everyone who may benefit from this service.
Application/Intake Process: TTY user dial the TTY number, 711 or 800-659-2656Call: 800-659-2656. Relay Colorado will answer. Type in the area code and telephone number you wish to call and type “GA” (Go Ahead.) The Communications Assistant dials the number and connects to the other party.
1) You type your conversation to the Communications Assistant. Remember to type “GA” (Go Ahead) at the end of each message.
2) The Communications Assistant then voices your typed message to the other party.
3) After you type “GA”, it is the other party’s turn to respond.
4) The Communications Assistant relays the other party’s spoken words by typing them back to you.
Additional Information:
For more information, please review the full list of available services from Relay Colorado.
Relay Colorado toll-free phone numbers:
TTY: 711 or 800-659-2656
Voice: 711 or 800-659-3656
Voice Carry-Over: 711 or 877-659-8260
Hearing Carry-Over: 711 or 800-659-2656
Speech-to-Speech: 711 or 877-659-4279
Telebraille: 711 or 800-659-2656
Spanish Relay: 711 or 800-337-3242
Spanish Translation: 711 or 844-409-2451
ASCII: 711 or 800-659-4656
Phone/Broadband Assistance:
Lifeline Program - TDS TelecommunicationsTDS provides a monthly discount on communication services which may include broadband internet, phone (landline or wireless), or bundles to eligible low-income households.
Service Area: Denver, State Wide, National
Phone Number: 1-866-734-0704
Services Provided: Phone/Broadband assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Must be either 80% AMI for your County or receive State Benefits (such as Food Stamps, TANF, WIC, SSI, Medicaid, etc).
Application/Intake Process: Chat with us, fill out a contact form, or call us at 1-866-571-6662.
Low-Cost Internet Plan - PCs For People
PCs For People provides a Low-Cost Internet Plan for low-income individuals needing internet connectivity in their households. A modem with unlimited 4G LTE internet service is provided to connect those using this program to the internet.
Service Area: Denver, State Wide, National
Phone Number: 651-354-2552
Email Address:
Location: 2492 Doswell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108
Services Provided: Phone/Broadband assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- This program helps people with income at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines.
- Must be below the 200% poverty level or be currently enrolled in an income-based government assistance program.
Hours of Operation:
- Monday-Friday 7am-8pm CST
- Saturday: 8am-6pm CST
Application/Intake Process: Call to see what TDS options and services are nearest you.
- Must bring these documents to verify eligibility:
- A photo ID
- Proof of Income: The prior year's state, federal, or tribal tax return (W2 forms or pay stubs are not acceptable).
Financial/Rental Assistance/ Utility Assistance:
Modest NeedsService Area: National
Email Address: Only use the website for contact/applications - they will not respond to phone calls and are slow to respond to emails.
Services Provided: Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance, General Financial Help
Eligibility Criteria: Individuals and families are eligible to apply for assistance from Modest Needs if:
- You are at least 18 years of age
- You are a legal resident of the United States or Canada;
- You intend to apply for assistance either for yourself, or for a person living in your home.
- Your household has at least one active bank account OR has filed a Federal Tax Return within in the past two years
- You have regular access to a computer and the Internet and can check your email and the Modest Needs website daily for the entire time that your application is active;
- You have the ability to access a scanner or a fax machine for long enough to scan and upload or fax the documentation to support your application that Modest Needs will request from you during the grant application process
- If you rent (rather than own) your home, your household has a legal lease that your landlord and a member of your household both have signed. This lease must show the monthly cost of your rental, whether or not you pay all of this amount yourself
- Your household passes our 'income' and 'employment' tests, both of which are explained in the application process.
Application/Intake Process: Apply on website. Follow the "How to apply" tab link here:
Rent Relief Fund - Esusu
Service Area: State Wide, National
Phone Number: 929-269-8032
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7am-3pm
Services Provided: Rental Assistance, General Financial Help
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must have been adversely affected by COVID-19; OR,
- Must be experiencing financial hardship.
- This program helps people who are older than 17 years old.
- Landlord/property must be enrolled with Esusu.
- Must be a renter living in the United States.
Documents required:
- Social Security Number OR Tax ID
Application/Intake Process: Apply for a loan (aka you will eventually have to pay this back). Max loan is up to $5,000.
- Funds for qualifying renters will be sent directly to the landlord to ensure it goes towards their rental obligations.
- Households are only eligible to receive funds once. In the future, Esusu may consider opening the fund up for reapplication.
- All recipients are requested to set up a 12-month repayment plan after a 3-6 month grace period.
Energy Bill Payment Assistance - Energy Outreach Colorado
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 225 East 16th Avenue
Phone Number: 303.825.8750
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Utility Assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- Their income is at or below 80% Area Median Income (varies by county).
- To qualify for assistance: you must pay home energy costs directly to an energy vendor/utility, your bill is past due or you are running low on fuel, you must meet income qualifications.
Application/Intake Process: First, go to this website:
- Apply For their Bill Payment Assistance through their Partnered Agencies, which can be found on this website by entering your zip code to find an agency that serves your area.
- Contact the agency before showing up in person to be aware of their current procedures.
- For more assistance call 1.866.HEAT.HELP (1.866.432.8435).
Electric & Gas Affordability Programs through Xcel
Non-emergency energy assistance programs are administered and supervised by Xcel Energy. Click this following link to be directly sent to Colorado's Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) website.
Service Area: State Wide
Phone Number: 1-866-432-8435
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Utility Assistance
Eligibility Criteria: If your income is up to 60% of the state median income level, you may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. The state median income level used for the 2023-24 LEAP season was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in July 2023. The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the primary heating fuel costs and income.
Application/Intake Process:
- Apply online on the Colorado PEAK website starting Nov. 1, 2024.
- Starting Nov. 1, 2024, there will be links below to download a LEAP application and drop it off at your local human services office, or mail/email it to your county/contractor to process. For contact information, call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435).
- To request a paper application mailed to you on Nov. 1, 2024 please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435)
- If you are having a heating emergency please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to apply over the phone.
General Housing Assistance:
Colorado Housing ConnectsService Area: State Wide
Street Address: 2250 Eaton Street
Phone Number: 1 844-926-6632
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 4:30pm
Services Provided: Housing Navigation, Legal, Elder Services, Education (Financial Class)
Eligibility Criteria: Anyone residing in the State of Colorado can access the services, regardless of income
Application/Intake Process: Call and leave a voice message or apply on the website.
Wait time: Currently about 3 weeks to receive a return call.
Additional Information: CHC provides information for Tenants/Landlord questions providing sample letters on how to approach the issue. They also provide housing navigation. Colorado Housing Connects provides Coloradans with reliable and trustworthy access to information regarding affordable housing, housing assistance, tenant rights, and more. They commit that a call with a navigator will leave individuals more informed, and equipped to handle your housing issue.
Affordable Housing - Elevation Community Land Trust
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 1114 West 7th Avenue
Phone Number: +1 720-822-0052
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: M-F 9am - 5pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Housing Navigation
Eligibility Criteria: Determine your household size (total number of people that would live in ECLT home at least 50% of the time) (b) Review the Income Sheet for the location where you would like to purchase a home and for your household size and see if your total annual household income is estimated to be at or below the maximum household income.
Application/Intake Process: Complete application online
Additional Information: Calls will be directed to the website. all those interested in applying to buy may be required to have $3,000 in savings.
Home Share - Sunshine Home Share Colorado
Home Sharing is a best practices housing model that assists Home Providers and Home Seekers with creating agreed-upon guidelines for becoming housemates and supports Aging in Community by utilizing extra space in a Home Provider’s home.
Service Area: Denver Metro
Street Address: 3532 Franklin Street
Phone Number: (303) 915-8264
Hours of Operation: M-F 8am- 5pm
Services Provided: Transitional Housing, housing connection for home seekers. This is not a rental assistance program.
Eligibility Criteria: This program is for individuals 18 and older. Home Seekers will need to provide ID and proof of income at intake.
Application/Intake Process: Submit an online interest card followed by application.
Additional Information: This is not a rapid housing program, most matches take at least 8 weeks. This is not a caregiving program or a replacement for caregiving.
Online Section 8 Housing Search Tool - City of Colorado Springs
Provides a free online search tool that assists you in finding section 8 listings for apartments in your area.
Service area: Statewide, National
Phone Number: (561) 416-5255
Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu 9 am-8pm & Fri 9 am-6 pm EST (7am-6pm Mountain time)
Services Provided: Affordable housing search tool
Eligibility Criteria: Anyone can use the website but for the affordable houses, you must be low income.
Application/Intake Process: Use their search tool HERE to filter affordable housing in your area and to see when they are accepting applications. They provide each houses' contact and application website for ease of use.
OneHome - Coordinated Assessment and Entry - Metro Denver Homeless Initiative (MDHI)
Street Address: 711 Park Ave W, Suite 320 Denver, CO 80205
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:00pm
Services Provided: Rental Assistance, Security Deposit Assistance , Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Food Security, Mental Health Services, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Substance Use, Voucher Administration
Eligibility Criteria: This program serves individuals and families who meet HUD's definition of homelessness. You can see the full eligibility outlines HERE.
Application/Intake Process: Complete Assessment: VISPDAT. You'll first call 211, who will locate the most applicable Access Point near you. You will then get set up with a Case Manager from that Access Point to help complete your VISPDAT assessment for assistance.
Additional Information: OneHome's Coordinated Entry matches individuals, youth, and families to the appropriate available housing resource while elevating client choice. Coordinated Entry is a client-centered process that partners with service providers and community members to assess and identify the housing needs of people experiencing homelessness. The purpose of Coordinated Entry is to ensure that people experiencing homelessness have equitable access to the housing resources they need to resolve their housing crisis.
Point of Contact at Organization: There is a list of "Access Points" throughout the State. In Denver County : CCH (Colorado Coalition for the Homeless), Wellpower, Family Tree, Denver Health, Brain Injury Alliance, St. Francis Center, Senior Support Center, The Gathering Place, Urban Peak, Family Promise of Greater Denver. Click HERE to see full list of nearby Access Points.
Transitional Housing:
Residential Program - Hope House of Colorado
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 6475a Benton Street
Phone Number: 303-429-1012
Hours of Operation: M-F 9a-5p
Services Provided: Transitional Housing, Education, Employment
Eligibility Criteria: Be a teen mother actively parenting a child
Application/Intake Process: Apply online and schedule a tour
Wait time: Apply online and schedule a tour
Additional Information: Must be 15-20 and pregnant or actively parenting a child.
Food Security:
Food Stamp Assistance - mReliefService Area: State Wide
Phone Number: Go to their website to check eligibility/fill out an application.
Services Provided: Food Security
Eligibility Criteria: If you are low income or already getting state benefits by being low-income, you will most likely be eligible. Take the screener (options for how to do so are in the application/intake process below) to confirm eligibility.
Application/Intake Process: There are two ways to get started/or learn more information:
- You can take our screener online here:
- Or you can reach out/apply via text. Just text “Food” to 74544 to get started. After you've used either of these methods to see if you're eligible, a Food Stamp representative will reach out if you are deemed eligible for SNAP benefits. If eligible, they will show you the best way to apply. In some states, they offer a simplified application and the option to apply with assistance over the phone with a trusted community partner.
Wait Time: 1-3 months depending on each case
Food Assistance (SNAP) and Free Food Resources - City and County of Denver - Denver Human Services (DHS)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food assistance, gives households a monthly amount to buy food with an Electronic Benefits Transaction (EBT) card.
Service Area: State Wide
- Richard T. Castro Denver Human Services (Mailing Address - 1200 Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80204 → Our services have moved to our new location across the street (Welcome Center - 2929 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204)
- Denver Human Services East (3815 Steele St. Denver, CO 80205)
- Arie P. Taylor Municipal Center (4685 Peoria St. Denver, CO 80239)
Phone Number: (720) 944-4347
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m
Services Provided: Food Security
Eligibility Criteria:
Those who qualify for SNAP include persons who may meet one of the following options:
- Work for low wages
- Are unemployed or work part-time
- Receive TANF, SSI, or other assistance payments
- Are elderly or disabled and live on a small income
- Are children
- Adults ages 18 to 52 who have no children in their home (known as ABAWDs, able-bodied adults without dependents)
- Individuals, couples and families may qualify if their income is less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). See the table below for gross monthly income limits, based on household size. Note: The values below have been updated to reflect SNAP increases on Oct. 1, 2023.
Application/Intake Process: To apply online, you can submit an application HERE.
Wait Time: 1-3 months depending on each case
Harvest of Hope
Service Area: Boulder (weekly) and all areas (daily)
Street Address: 4830 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80301
Phone Number: +1-720-382-1971
Services Provided: Food Security
Eligibility Criteria: People who have proof of residency within Boulder County will register as weekly shoppers and all other people will be registered as daily shoppers.
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 9:00am-2:00pm
Tue, Thurs 4:30pm-6:30pm
Application/Intake Process: For those wishing to receive food assistance weekly, the following is required:
Please complete an intake form:
The following items must accompany the intake form:
- A signed copy of our Terms & Rules of Service. (below)
- Photo identification for all adults listed on the application.
- Proof of city of Boulder residency, which may include one of the following:
- A rental agreement
- A mortgage statement or piece of official mail such as an electric bill
- Phone bill or Voter registration
Please sign our Rules & Terms document:
Those who do not have proof of residency in Boulder County, wish to receive food assistance daily are asked to complete an intake form. There is no requirement to show ID.
Wait Time: Boulder: Weekly, Other Areas Daily
Hunger Free Colorado
Hunger Free Colorado, a statewide nonprofit organization, connects people to food resources to meet existing needs and drives policy, systems and social change to end hunger. We envision a day when every Coloradan has equitable access to the nutritious food needed to thrive and reach their full potential.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 1355 S Colorado Blvd., Suite 201 Denver, CO 80222
Phone Number: (720) 328-1284 - Due to their high call volume, I would not recommend calling and instead utilize their website for services.
Services Provided: Food Security
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a resident of Colorado.
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thursdays: 8:30am-4:30pm
Wednesdays: 7am-6pm
Application/Intake Process: This program's site provides a multiple of food resources throughout Colorado state. Just click on the Food Resources link, filter to what is most applicable for you and/or your family, and it will populate Food resource results in your area.
Wait Time: Weekly
Financial Assistance - Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation
Service Area: National
Phone Number: 866-316-7263
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Healthcare
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be getting treatment for the disease named in the assistance program.
- Must reside and receive treatment in the United States or U.S. territories. (U.S. citizenship is not a requirement.)
- Must have health insurance that covers your qualifying medication or product. Note: Some programs have specific health insurance requirements.
- Must be prescribed a medication or product that is listed on PAN’s list of covered medications.
- Must have an income that falls at or below the Federal Poverty Level.
Documents Required:
- Identification: Social Security number
- Proof of Income: Required for all household members
- Other Documents: Diagnosis & medication name AND Health insurance or pharmacy card
Application/Intake Process: Qualifications/eligibility vary by fund. Clients are encouraged to visit the website and check availability of funds as they are subject to change.
- If you have previously applied for a PAN grant or joined one of our disease fund wait lists, you can apply online through the PAN portal or by phone. If not, please apply by phone.
- To apply by phone, call us at 1-866-316-7263 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET.
- Healthcare providers and pharmacies can apply online through the PAN portal or by phone on behalf of their patients.
Patient Advocate Foundation
This independent division of Patient Advocate Foundation provides small grants to patients who meet financial and medical criteria. Grants are provided on first-come first served basis and are distributed until funds are depleted. Qualifications and processes for each fund may differ based on fund requirements. Patients who are interested in applying for financial assistance should start by calling this division toll free at (855) 824-7941 or by registering your account and submitting an application online here.
Service Area: National
Phone Number: (800) 532-5274
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm Eastern Time
Services Provided: Healthcare
Eligibility Criteria: This site provides an array of grants available to those in healthcare need. Each grant has different eligibility criteria as well as different application steps. Please review the available grants to see which to apply for.
Benefits in Action
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 12157 W Cedar Dr, Suite 100
Phone Number: 720-221-8354
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: By Appointment Only: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Evenings and Weekends upon Request
Services Provided: Food Security, Public Benefits Assistance, Disability Services, Mental Health Services, Healthcare
Eligibility Criteria: Depends on department/application you're is trying to get assistance on. More information can be found here:
Application/Intake Process: Call 720-221-8354 to schedule an appointment now or click: to get started. Clicking the button will let you use a FREE screening tool to help you see which programs you may qualify for.
Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver (EBD) - State of Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Waiver For Persons Who Are Elderly, Blind, or Disabled (EBD) is a program to provide an alternative to nursing facility care for elderly, blind, or physically disabled persons.
Service Area: Statewide
Phone Number: For applying, it is best to apply online directly. For members, you can call this line: 1-800-221-3943.
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday
Services Provided: State benefit resources, senior and disability resources.
Eligibility Criteria: You must meet the following financial and program criteria to access services under this program. To use waiver benefits, you must also be willing to receive services in your home or community.
Level of Care
- You require long-term support services at a level comparable to services typically provided in a nursing facility.
Eligibility Group
- You must be 18 years or older.
- If you are between the ages of 18 and 64, you must be blind or have a physical disability, or have a diagnosis of HIV or AIDS.
- If you are age 65 and older, you must have been determined to have a significant functional impairment.
- Your income must be less than three times the current Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) limit per month. (See SSI website for current information)
- For a single person, your countable resources must be less than $2,000.
- For a couple, the countable resources must be less than $3,000.
- If you do not meet these financial requirements, you may be eligible through the Health First Colorado Buy-In Program for Working Adults with Disabilities.
Application/Intake Process:
If you are already enrolled in Health First Colorado, contact your local Case Management Agency to start the waiver application process.
If you are NOT yet enrolled in Health First Colorado, you can apply now.
If you have more questions about this program please contact your local Case Management Agency or the Member Contact Center.
Accessia Health
Our programs provide financial assistance with copays, health insurance premiums, travel costs, and other medical expenses – all at no cost to you. In 2021, our patient assistance programs helped nearly 10,000 people receive financial assistance.
Service Area: National
Mailing Address: Accessia Health P.O. Box 5930 Midlothian, VA 23112
Phone Number: 1-800-366-7741
Hours of Operation:
- 8:30AM-5:00PM EST (6:30am-3pm MST) Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri
- 9:30AM-5:00PM EST (7:30am-3pm MST) Wed
- Closed daily from 12:30-1:30PM EST or 10:30am-11:30am MST (lunch)
- Closed on Weekends & Holidays
Services Provided: Healthcare
Eligibility Criteria: Fill out this form to see if you are eligible for any of their associated programs. Please visit the website for a list of supported illnesses they can provide assistance with.
Documents Required:
- Proof of Income: Supporting Income Documentation
- Other Documents: Medical statement to confirm diagnosis AND Health insurance cards
Medical Debt and Hospital Bill Financial Assistance - Dollar For
Dollar For helps you apply for financial assistance from your hospital. Our services are completely free & here to assist you in reducing your medical bills.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 104 W 9th Street, Suite 205 Vancouver WA 98660
Contact: This is a fully online resource, so if you want to contact them, you can fill out this "Contact Us" form HERE.
Hours of Operation: 9:00 am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday
Services Provided: Medical bill assistance
Application/Intake Process: Go to their website and fill in your information to see if you may qualify for their medical bill forgiveness program.
My Good Days
Good Days is here to pay for treatments that can help return a degree of normalcy to your daily life.
Service Area: All, State Wide, National
Street Address: Good Days 2611 Internet Blvd. Suite 105
Phone Number: (877) 968-7233 (Toll Free) or (972) 608-7141 for Main Line
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CDT
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Healthcare
Eligibility Criteria:
- Patient must be diagnosed with a covered disease and program must be accepting enrollments.
- Patient must have a valid Social Security number to apply for assistance and receive treatment in the United States.
- Patient must be seeking assistance for a prescribed medication that is FDA approved to treat the covered diagnosis.
- Patient is required to have insurance coverage which covers at least 50% of the cost of treatment.
- This program helps people with income at or below 500% of federal poverty guidelines.
Application/Intake Process: Anyone who meets the qualification criteria, and their condition is covered, please visit their website to verify IF the fund for their condition is currently open and to apply. Their Care Navigators are here to help. Whether they have questions about the enrollment process or need additional resources, do not hesitate to contact them.
Documents Required:
- Proof of Income: Required
- Written Referral: Prescription for an FDA approved medication
- Other Documents: Copy of the front and back of the patient’s insurance cards.
Counseling Services - Maria Droste Counseling Center
At Maria Droste Counseling Center, we offer psychotherapy and counseling services for adults, children, teens, couples, and families. We have clinicians who specialize in treating a variety of concerns and issues. Maria Droste Counseling Center has been formed out of the understanding that people need access to counseling regardless of their ability to pay.
Service Area: Arapahoe, Statewide
Street Address: 1355 South Colorado Blvd., Suite C-100 Denver, Colorado 80222-3305 USA
Phone Number: 303-867-4600
Services Provided: Counseling, Mental health services
Eligibility: Resident of Colorado seeking mental health care.
Application/Intake Process: If you’re ready to get matched up with the counselor right for you, or if you have questions – email or call us. Maria Droste Counseling Center Denver is currently offering services via telehealth and in-person. No matter where you’re located in Colorado, we can help.
Mercy Medical Angels (MMA)
Mercy Medical Angels provides assistance in the air with commercial airline tickets and volunteer pilots, and on the ground with gas cards, bus and train tickets - at No-Cost to Patients.
Service Area: Statewide, National
Street Address: 101 West Main Street, Suite 1000, Norfolk, VA 23510
Phone Number: N/A, you can apply directly online for services.
Services Provided: Transportation, transportation vouchers for medical need
Eligibility: Must show medical need for services. Depending on the type of transport you request, you'll also have to provide different documents and provide ample time for the request to be be finalized (this is especially pertinent for the airplane vouchers).
Application/Intake Process: To Get Started: Fill out one of the forms HERE based on your transportation.
Friends of Man
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: P.O. Box 937 Littleton, Colorado 80160-0937
Phone Number: (303) 798-2342
Services Provided: Healthcare, application assistance, medical supplies request
Eligibility: Friends of Man accepts applications ONLY from a referring professional on behalf of the applicant. This can be a social worker, nurse, school counselor, teacher, principal, social worker, clergy, health care technician, etc. Must have a qualifying disability for the request needed.
Application/Intake Process: Application HERE
Wait time: The Disbursement Committee meets every week to consider requests, so as soon as all information and answers to questions have been received by Friends of Man screeners, the case is presented. Depending on the applicant, this process can take as little as a week or two, or as long as several weeks or months.
Grants to Assist Individuals - A.V. Hunter Trust
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 650 South Cherry Street, Suite 535, Glendale, CO 80246
Phone Number: 303-399-5450
Services Provided: Healthcare, medical supplies request
Eligibility: This programs accepts applications ONLY from a referring professional on behalf of the applicant. This can be a social worker, nurse, school counselor, teacher, principal, social worker, clergy, health care technician, etc. Must have a qualifying disability for the request needed.
Application/Intake Process: Application HERE. The individual in need of assistance identifies a referring professional willing to complete and submit the application on their behalf and answer any questions during the review process. If funding is awarded, the A.V. Hunter Trust will notify the referring professional and the vendor of the grant award. When the work has been completed, payment is issued directly to the vendor.
Prescription Savings - FreeRxPlus
The FreeRxPlus® program provides you free access to savings up to 85% on your medications if you are uninsured, underinsured or even if you have insurance and have a co-pay of $10 or more.
Service Area: Statewide, National
Street Address: Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Phone Number: 1-888-412-0869
Services Provided: Healthcare, discounted medical
Eligibility: Available to people who are uninsured, underinsured, or if you have insurance and have a co-pa of $10 or more. Anyone with or without prescription coverage can take this card to one of our 56,000 participating pharmacies and receive immediate savings on their medication.
Application/Intake Process: Click Here for more information regarding this valuable program or contact us at 1-888-412-0869.
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 1580 Logan Street
Phone Number: 303-839-1261
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00pm
Services Provided: Healthcare
Eligibility Criteria: CCHI's Consumer Assistance Program helps Coloradans who experience issues with their health coverage. Assistance is free for consumers, please note that we do not have the financial resources to help pay medical bills.
Application/Intake Process: Complete the Intake form on the website
Wait time: After completing the Intake form on the website A CAP team member will contact you by phone and/or email within 5 business days to get more information.
Additional Information: CCHI's Consumer Assistance Program helps Coloradans who experience issues with their health coverage.
They can also refer you to health coverage enrollment assistance and to other basic needs programs like food and energy assistance. CCHI is also in the process of creating more resources/guides that can support individuals with different issues they may be encountering. You can refer folks to our website page for the CAP program here:
Behavioral Services - Front Range Clinic
Porchlight and Front Range Clinic provides behavioral health services to individuals struggling with addiction. Whether recovery is from opioids or alcohol, having a supportive environment is crucial to maintaining sobriety and a healthy path to recovery.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Phone Number: 866-647-6317
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00pm
Services Provided: Healthcare for addiction recovery, substance use recovery
Eligibility Criteria: This practice serves all patients regardless of inability to pay. A sliding fee scale for medical and behavioral addiction services is offered based on family size and income. For more information, please contact us at 1-866-972-2690 and speak with a representative.
Application/Intake Process: You will be asked to provide a photo ID and proof of insurance. At this initial appointment you will complete a small packet of new patient paperwork including demographic information, a privacy policy, and treatment agreement
Wait time: Walk ins: It is possible but would be a waiting time, no guarantee to be seen on the same day depending on how busy it is
Additional Information: Front Range Clinic's medical team includes 35 medical doctors, physician's assistants, and nurse practitioners who are specially trained in addiction medicine and the treatment of substance use disorder. Front Range Clinic operates four MAT mobile sites in the state of Colorado. Each route covers a designated region of the state. We serve the Northeast and Southeast corners of Colorado and have additional units serving the upper Arkansas Valley and Northwest parts of the state.
Tele-Therapy - LifeStance Health
Heart Centered Counseling's Tele-Therapy provides mental health services to individuals who are unable to attend a traditional therapy session in one of our offices. Our therapists ensure that you have full confidential care just as you would if you were meeting in person for your appointment.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: There are many clinics throughout the state, this one is for the Aurora clinic: 1421 South Potomac Street, Suite 110
Phone Number: 855-605-9534
Hours of Operation: Monday to Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00pm
Services Provided: Mental healthcare
Eligibility Criteria: Available to all who are seeking mental health support
Application/Intake Process: Find the clinic nearest you HERE. You can specify your search to your state/city by selecting the state you're seeking services in and then input your city's name into the search bar. That will then pop up your nearest clinic and their contact information to schedule an appointment.
Essential Needs Grant Program for Cancer Patients - Ray of Hope Cancer Foundation
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 1385 South Colorado Boulevard
Phone Number: +1 720-238-5401
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: M-F 9am-5pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Case Management, Healthcare assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Grant applicants must:
- Have a cancer diagnosis and be receiving active cancer treatment of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery in the past month.
- Must be a Colorado resident, and in a dire financial circumstance, where expenses are greater than their current monthly income.
- Grant applicants may submit one request per year for a maximum of two-lifetime awards
Application/Intake Process: Complete the grant application online with a healthcare provider
Selma Schimmel Vital Grant - Vital Options International (VOI)
The grant program will assist those facing a significant financial hardship due to the diagnosis of a chronic, terminal or rare condition such as cancer, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s Disease or many others.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: Vital Options International, 203 Main Street No 179, Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone Number: 800-518-2354
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: M-F 9am-5pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Case Management, Healthcare assistance
Eligibility Criteria: The grant program will assist those facing a significant financial hardship due to the diagnosis of a chronic, terminal or rare condition such as cancer, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s Disease or many others.
Application/Intake Process: To apply for a Selma Schimmel Vital Grant, you must complete a grant application, agree that you have read and understand our privacy policy and terms pertaining to the grant application and submit the application form online.
Vital Options International will review grant applications and in many cases forward qualified applicants to partner organizations who will review, process and award grants to qualified patients and caregivers.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the number of applications we receive and the time we put into reviewing each application, you will be notified ONLY if we are able to provide you with assistance. You may however receive information on other organizations that provide support services to patients and caregivers.
Mercy’s Gift - TeamMercy
Mercy's Gift is a scholarship for families facing or dealing with the death of a child. Mercy's Gift provides funds for a sibling(s) of that lost child to continue in an activity in which they are already involved which can include extracurricular, academic, or mental health such as play therapy, etc.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address:
1079 W Round Grove Rd, Suite 300-504
Phone Number: 214.945.0894
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Childcare, Education
Eligibility Criteria: Mercy’s Gift helps families. Yet, they want to help a specific population of families, the siblings in families who are facing, or have recently faced, the loss of a young child/infant.
Application/Intake Process: If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply on their website for the grant:
Lupus Foundation Of Colorado Inc
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 3100
Phone Number: +1 303-597-4050
Email Address:
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Utility Assistance, General Financial Help
Eligibility Criteria: Must have diagnosis of Lupus and be in need of assistance.
Application/Intake Process: Email the application, Colorado ID, proof of lupus diagnosis, and invoice/estimate for your request to Go to website for application process (English). Spanish application can be found here:
Cover My Mental Health
Supports self-advocacy for insurance coverage (specifically for private insurance)
Service Area: All private insurance, all states, all plans (Nationwide)
Phone Number: N/A as it’s an online resource
Email: If you have any additional questions that cannot be answered on their website, you can email
Services Provided: The website supports individuals with a range of resources and steps to self-advocate for insurance coverage. Included are letter templates, scripts for what to say (or not) to an insurance customer service rep, and worksheets towards securing coverage of mental health care. Guidance for further escalation is also provided, such as filing insurance company complaints; seeking state and federal support resources, filing regulatory complaints, considering appeals and more.
Eligibility Criteria: None, available to all who seek support to overcome insurance company obstacles to mental health care coverage.
Wait Time: Immediately accessible online
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center
Service Area: Nationwide
Street Address: 7272 Wurzbach Road, Suite 1002 San Antonio, TX 78240
Phone Number: 800-793-4540
Services Provided: The Mesothelioma Lawyer Center offers comprehensive legal assistance to individuals affected by mesothelioma. Our services include but are not limited to legal consultation, case evaluation, representation in legal proceedings, and assistance in seeking compensation for damages.
Eligibility Criteria: Clients seeking our services typically include individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma or their family members seeking legal recourse on their behalf.
Application/Intake Process: To initiate the process of receiving our services, eligible clients can either call our provided contact number or fill out our online intake form available on our website. Our team will then review the information provided and guide clients through the necessary next steps.
Additional Information: Service Fees: Our initial consultations are typically provided free of charge. Regarding legal fees, we offer various fee structures and payment options tailored to suit individual circumstances. For low-income clients, we explore options to reduce fees or offer pro bono assistance whenever feasible. However, it's essential to note that legal fees may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the extent of legal services required.
Veteran Services:
Life Needs Financial Assistance - Helping Hands For Freedom (HHFF)
Helping Hands for Freedom provides emergency financial assistance to Veteran, Military or Gold Star family who have been honorably discharged with at least one child 18 or under in the home.
Service Area: National, Statewide
Street Address: 5023 West 120th Ave #260 Broomfield, CO 80020
Phone Number: 720-530-9990
Email Address:
Services Provided: Veteran assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a Veteran, Military or Gold Star client or family of one, who have been honorably discharged with at least one child 18 or under in the home.
Application/Intake Process: Required documents include a copy of the service members DD214 and the discharge must be Honorable, current photo ID, a copy of the front of page one of your most recent federal tax return, most recent bank statement and copies of debts you want considered for payment. If you are disabled, we need a copy of your disability compensation letter from the Veterans Administration. If you are active duty, we need a copy of your current service record. If you are a Gold Star family, we need the death certificate.
- All required documents must be submitted within 2 weeks of the original request or benefits can be denied. Your application will not be considered or sent to the committee until all documents have been received in readable condition. No application will be reviewed without all appropriate documentation.
- Do not insert documents into the body of an email, they need to be PDF/JPG type attachments.
- All applications go through an approval process with our committee that may take up to two weeks. Their decision is final. There are no appeals.
- Email all required documents to
- Or you may print out the application and fax all other required documents to our office at 800-690-1759.
- If you have questions email: call 602-845-1390 x100 or fax 800-690-1759
Homes for All Veterans (HAV) - Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) - Rocky Mountain Human Services (RMHS)
Homes for All Veterans SSVF program provides a wide range of services designed to promote housing stability and alleviate chronic homelessness. This program provides: Homelessness prevention, Case management, Housing referrals, and Navigation of complex benefits systems.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 9900 E. Iliff Ave. Denver, CO 80231
Phone Number:
- RMHS Contact Center: (844) 790-7647 for immediate case manager assistance
- RMHS Main Line: (303) 636-5600 for general questions
Email Address:
Services Provided: Veteran assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- SSVF Veteran Status: A person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, regardless of length of service, and who was discharged or released there from.
- Did not receive a Dishonorable discharge or was discharged or dismissed by reason of a General Court-Martial.*
- Gross Income less than 50% of Area Median Income (per County residing and household size).
- Must be homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Application/Intake Process: Call to start referral process for services.
Veterans Career House - Volunteers of America
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 1660 Duke Street
Phone Number: 207-571-3374
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Services Provided: Veterans Services
Eligibility Criteria: This program works with veterans who are experiencing homelessness, as long as they have an honorable or general under honorable discharge from the military.
Application/Intake Process:
1) For an application and referral form, email the Veterans Career House (VCH) Case Manager at or call (207) 229-8306 or download the form here.
2) Complete the application and referral form and follow the return instructions on the application form.
3) Our staff will make arrangements for a preliminary evaluation and interview.
4) The results of the evaluation will be reviewed by the VOA Veteran Services Staff.
5) If there are no vacancies at time of probationary approval, the applicant will be put on a waiting list.
The Red Cross Services to Armed Forces (SAF) Program
Service Area: National
Phone Number: 303-607-4775
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Rental Assistance, Transitional Housing, General Financial Help, Veterans Services
Eligibility Criteria: For the Red Cross' "Services to Armed Forces" (SAF) Program:
- Applicant must be active duty and have documentation proof of it
- Applicants must have documentation of their veteran status
You are eligible to receive emergency financial assistance from the Military Aid Societies if you are:
- An active duty service member
- A member of an activated National Guard or Reserve unit
- An immediate family member of a service member in the above two categories - A military retiree or spouse/widow(er) of a retiree
Application/Intake Process: There are 3 ways to apply:
- Submit an online application
- Download their free app
- Call toll-free for services @ 877-272-7337
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) - US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) - Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: 155 Van Gordon Street
Phone Number: 1-877-424-3838
Hours of Operation: Phone line is open 24/7.
Services Provided: Veterans Services
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a veteran or active duty member in order to receive services. Veteran status cannot have "dishonorable charges".
Application/Intake Process: Call them directly to see eligibility, nearest location, and schedule an appointment. This collaborative program between HUD and VA combines HUD housing vouchers with VA supportive services to help Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing.
How It Works:
Through public housing authorities, HUD provides rental assistance vouchers for privately owned housing to Veterans who are experiencing homelessness. VA case managers can work together with the veterans seeking assistance in housing, medical/mental health care, substance abuse recovery, and more.
Critical Care Coordination - Hope for the Warriors
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: 8003 Forbes Place, Suite 201
Phone Number: 877.246.7349
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Services Provided: Veterans Services
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicants will need to provide a DD 214.
- Must be a post 9-11 Veteran or family member of a post 9-11 Veteran.
- Critical Care Coordination addresses needs that are a direct result of a service member’s combat-related injury.
Application/Intake Process: Apply online here.
After submission of your application, you will receive a welcoming phone call, and a team member will explain program criteria and customize the support we can provide. Please be aware that the Critical Needs program is not an emergency financial assistance program. Due to the volume of current requests, financial assistance (if deemed eligible) can take up to 3-4 weeks to process.
Homeless Veterans Initiative - Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
The DAV Homeless Veterans Initiative, supported by DAV’s Charitable Service Trust and Columbia Trust, promotes the development of supportive housing and necessary services to assist homeless veterans in becoming productive, self-sufficient members of society. Our goal is to establish a partnership between the DAV and Federal, state, county and local governments to develop programs to assist homeless veterans in becoming self-sufficient.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: VA Regional Office PO Box 25126
Phone Number: (303) 914-5570
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Veterans Services
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a veteran.
Application/Intake Process: Search for nearest location on this website and then fill out their "contact us" form:
Financial Assistance - Home Front Military Network
The Home Front Military Network provides one-time grants to veteran families in need due to unforeseen circumstances.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 1120 N. Circle Dr. Suite 230 Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Phone Number: 719-577-7417
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday
Services Provided: Veteran assistance. Depending on funding may also be able to provide one-time financial assistance to veterans/veteran families as well.
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a veteran or immediate family with a veteran seeking services.
Application/Intake Process: You can connect with us by calling a case-manager Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm at: 719.577.7417.
Financial Assistance - Army Emergency Relief
Army Emergency Relief provides zero interest loans and grants to soldiers and their dependents to help pay for critical services.
Service Area: Statewide, National
Street Address: 2530 Crystal Drive Suite 13161, 13th Floor Arlington, VA 22202
Phone Number: 866-878-6378
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday
Services Provided: Veteran assistance. Depending on funding may also be able to provide one-time financial assistance to veterans/veteran families as well.
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a veteran or immediate family with a veteran seeking services.
Application/Intake Process:
Step 1: Enter your ZIP code or name of city or installation in the map below
Step 2: Click on the corresponding pin for contact information for your local AER officer. If no installations are found, call the American Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337 and select the option for AER assistance
Additional Information: Active duty or retired Soldiers may request assistance from any military aid society office located within 50 miles of their current locations. If an office is not found within 50 miles, Soldiers can receive AER assistance through the American Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337.
Veteran Financial Assistance Program - Salute, Inc
Salute offers Financial Assistance to veterans who are in active duty, injured and/or the transitioning back to civilian life. Salute provides these individuals and their families financial assistance to ease the emotional and financial stress associated with these challenges.
Service Area: National
Street Address: Mailing Address: PO BOX 2663 Palatine, IL 60078-2663
Phone number: 847-359-8811
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am to 5:00pm Monday-Friday
Services Provided: Veteran assistance, financial assistance for veterans
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be 80% or more Service Connected
- Ending active duty date of service must be 2019 - current
- Reservists and National Guard members must be injured in military service to receive assistance
- Must reside in the United States and provide a state-issued ID (Driver's License or State ID)
- Veterans must provide a valid DD 214
- Must include a Service Connection Letter provided by the VA
- Must provide military points of contact and give written consent to VA Case Manager allowing permission to discuss your case
- Allow 3-4 weeks for processing
Any altered or falsified documentation is considered a felony
Disclaimer: Meeting these requirements does not guarantee assistance.
Application/Intake Process: Click HERE to apply for assistance if you meet the eligibility criteria. Or call to get more information.
Wait time: It takes 3-4 weeks for applications to get processed.
Critical Financial Assistance - Operation Homefront
Operation Homefront assists military families during difficult financial times by providing food assistance, auto and home repair, vision care, travel and transportation, moving assistance, essential home items, and rent-free transitional housing for wounded veterans and their families.
Service Area: National
Street Address: 17319 San Pedro Avenue, Suite 505, San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone Number: (210) 659-7756
Services Provided: Veteran/active duty assistance
Eligibility Criteria: This program has specific eligibility requirements if you were Wounded/Injured, Deployed, or general criteria for active duty/veteran members. For an in-depth list of the eligibility criteria, please read their eligibility site HERE.
Application/Intake Process:
Effective Jan 1, 2024, Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance program will be shifting to a new application process. The process includes a 10-day Application and Initial Processing Period (Days 1-10), a 10-day Evaluation and Review Period (Days 11-20), and a 10-day Notification and Final Processing Period (Days 21 to end of month).
- To learn more about the updated process, click here.
This online guide aims to support veterans by offering insights into the benefits of non-traditional postsecondary education and shedding light on critical aspects of vocational and apprenticeship programs, such as eligibility, costs, and adapting to the civilian workforce.
Service Area: Statewide, National; online service
Service Provided: Veteran services
Application/Intake Process: The website itself breaks down the benefits or grants available to veterans seeking further education opportunities. There is no requirement to sign up for any of these schools, but it is helpful to overview what you might be eligible for & see what kind of grants/discounts are out there for specific military/veteran members.
Mesothelioma Lawyer Center
Service Area: Nationwide
Street Address: 7272 Wurzbach Road, Suite 1002 San Antonio, TX 78240
Phone Number: 800-793-4540
Services Provided: The Mesothelioma Lawyer Center offers comprehensive legal assistance to individuals affected by mesothelioma. Our services include but are not limited to legal consultation, case evaluation, representation in legal proceedings, and assistance in seeking compensation for damages.
Eligibility Criteria: Clients seeking our services typically include individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma or their family members seeking legal recourse on their behalf.
Application/Intake Process: To initiate the process of receiving our services, eligible clients can either call our provided contact number or fill out our online intake form available on our website. Our team will then review the information provided and guide clients through the necessary next steps.
Additional Information: Service Fees: Our initial consultations are typically provided free of charge. Regarding legal fees, we offer various fee structures and payment options tailored to suit individual circumstances. For low-income clients, we explore options to reduce fees or offer pro bono assistance whenever feasible. However, it's essential to note that legal fees may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the extent of legal services required.
Pet Assistance:
Praline's Backyard FoundationService Area: National
Street Address: N/A - Address is hidden purposely to keep DV clients safe.
Phone Number: 770-648-5266
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Pet Assistance, Domestic Violence
Eligibility Criteria: If you are an applicant trying to use the organization's Free pet boarding resource, you must be a client escaping Domestic Violence. Also, make sure you fall in their covered area for support. They are mainly a nation-wide organization, but this website provides their specific coverage map as well as what they offer in each state.
Application/Intake Process: If you are requesting housing for your pets while escaping a domestic violence situation, please follow this link and fill out their "Survivor form" HERE.
Emergency Veterinary Care - Feeding Pets of the Homeless
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: 710 West Washington Street
Phone Number:
(775) 841-7463
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Depends on location
Services Provided: Emergency Shelter, Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Must be homeless and seeking resources for your pet.
Application/Intake Process: Go to their website here. And then click: "Find resources near you". Once putting in your nearest city or zip code, it will pop up with partners or orgs that provide pet assistance- be it pet food, veterinary clinic, pet-friendly shelters, or donation sites for various resources.
Bow Wow Buddies Foundation
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: 7577 W 103rd Ave Suite 209
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be unable to afford necessary veterinary care and are in need of financial assistance to keep their dog healthy and in their home.
- Grants may not be used for preventative care, spay or neuter surgery, dental cleaning or surgery, ongoing treatments, or end-of-life care.
Application/Intake Process: Please apply on the website. After the review, notifications are sent to the applicants to let them know whether their grant request has been approved. Checks for each grant review period are distributed within five business days of the end of the review period and sent directly to the presiding veterinarian.
This program provides:
- Financial assistance for veterinary care up to $2,500
The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation will award grants up for necessary medical treatments for dogs across North America in need of care for conditions such as:
- Broken bones
- Abdominal obstruction
- Enucleation
- Cancer
- Emergency services
Urgent Care Grant - RedRover
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: RedRover PO Box 188890
Phone Number:
(916) 429-2457
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 8:30 - 4:30 Pacific time, Monday - Friday. Applications submitted outside of these hours will be reviewed by our case managers as soon as possible the next business day.
Services Provided: Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- You must be seeking assistance for one animal with a life-threatening injury or illness that requires urgent and specific treatment.
- Must have a current diagnosis and treatment plan from a veterinarian. RedRover cannot pay for office exams or testing.
- Treatment must have a good or favorable outcome.
- Household income cannot exceed $60,000 per year
- Both the applicant and the animal must live in the United States.
- If a grant is awarded, the grant recipient must be willing to provide updates and photos to RedRover. Pictures may be shared with our supporters in print and online. Upon request, we are happy to change identifying information.
RedRover CANNOT help if any of the following apply:
- The animal has received most or all of their treatment.
- An Urgent Care grant has already been awarded to you or your household for this, or any other, animal.
- The animal’s needs are for: ongoing conditions or treatments (such as chemotherapy/radiation, special diets, Cushing's) testing or diagnostic work (such as X-rays, MRI, or blood work) routine care (such as non-emergency spay/neuter, vaccinations, or annual exams)
- a follow-up visit after main treatment is done.
Application/Intake Process: Click this website for application and process.
- Make sure you are eligible (included in link above)
- Answer the pre-application questions
- If the situation qualifies for a grant, complete the RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant application (in the website provided). Applications are reviewed in the order they are received, and a reply can take 1-2 business days. Calls from RedRover will be from a 916 area code.
Hope Funds - Financial Assistance - Frankie's Friends
Service Area: All, State Wide, National
Street Address:
12651 N Dale Mabry Hwy #272028
Phone Number: 888-465-7387
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Services Provided: Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria: - Serves family owned pets. - This program serves families who demonstrate substantial financial need and whose pets would have a good prognosis from a single intervention for long-term recovery to a normal quality of life. - Pets must be treated at a BluePearl Veterinary Hospital. Frankie’s Friends does not fund primary care, preventative care, vaccinations, diagnostic testing, or treatment of chronic diseases or medications to support lifelong ailments. Hope Funds are used specifically for the treatment of life threatening conditions.
Application/Intake Process: Talk to a clinician or Practice Manager at participating BluePearl Veterinary Hospital locations to see if funding is available and if a pet meets the criteria for assistance. Frankie's Friends does not reimburse for payments already made and will not consider reimbursement situations of any kind. All payments are made directly to the treating veterinarian and never to an individual.
Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care - The Pet Fund
Service Area: State Wide, National
Phone Number: 916-503-0550
Email Address:
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.
Services Provided: Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must reside in the United States.
- Your animal must need non-basic, non-urgent care only, and both you and your companion animal must meet our program criteria.
- Your animal’s medical needs must be able to wait the length of our current wait list. - Must contact us by email with your request prior to sending your application.
Documents required:
- Proof of income (Copy of a check stub, unemployment benefits, disability benefits, etc. The proof of income must be recent, and we cannot use tax forms for this purpose).
- Written Referral: Copy of a written cost estimate for the needed procedures and/or treatment from your veterinarian.
Application/Intake Process: Applicants who think their animal may be eligible for the program should email them with a description of the animal's medical needs. Include a phone number and email that the applicant can be reached. If they conclude the animal's needs match their program criteria then they will advise the applicant to complete the application.
Financial Assistance for Animals - The Onyx & Breezy Foundation
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: The Onyx & Breezy Foundation PO Box 857
Email Address:
Services Provided:
Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Follow these steps to see about eligibility for the grant application:
Application/Intake Process:
1) Confirm you are eligible and follow steps here.
2) Complete your Grant application here.
3) Send your completed application packages to: The Onyx & Breezy Foundation PO Box 857 Tuxedo, NY 10987 *(Grant Packages MUST be sent all together and complete at the same time. Incomplete or piecemeal packages will NOT be reviewed)
- If urgent, e-mail to (e-mail submissions must be in PDF Attachment format and contain no more than ten pages)
PLEASE NOTE: Applications over ten pages must be sent as hard copies through the mail to the address above. Incomplete grant requests will only be held for 15 days. Grant requests which have been approved are valid for 30 days only.
Financial Aid for Dog Owners - Mosby Foundation
Service Area: All, State Wide, National
Street Address: 11 N Central
Phone Number: 540-885-2260
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Services Provided: Pet Assistance
Eligibility Criteria: Only available for dogs (aka no cats or other pet besides dogs will be able to get this assistance). The Mosby foundation does not have the funds for the following:
- Diagnostics, testing, CT scans or x-rays. General and/or routine veterinary care (examples: vaccinations, office visits, blood work, testing, dental cleanings).
- Treatment that has already been performed. If your dog has already had surgery, been treated, etc., we do not help with those incurred vet bills.
- We are not equipped to respond to emergency situations and urge you to search elsewhere if you find your pup is in a life/death situation requiring immediate medical attention.
It is our requirement that all dogs we help be spayed/neutered prior to our providing financial assistance.
Application/Intake Process: If you meet the above eligibility criteria, click here for the pre-application: application MUST be filled out entirely before we can consider you for any financial aid assistance.
Wait time: Takes up to 4-6 business days (after submitting the application)
Community Assistance Grant - The Alexander Foundation
The Community Assistance Grant provides assistance to those individuals who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties and identify as LBGT.
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: PO Box 1995, Denver, CO 80201
Phone Number: 303-331-3377
Email Address:
Services Provided: Financial assistance for LGBT+ applicants
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must be:
- Reside in Colorado
- Pre-approved by a recognized Referral Agency
- Applicants must demonstrate financial need and must not have received Community Assistance from The Alexander Foundation within the previous 12-month period. The maximum amount of assistance is $400. Individuals may only receive assistance five (5) times.
Application/Intake Process: All Assistance Program applications MUST come from an approved
Referral Agency. Applications are processed as they are received, with check runs twice a month on the 5th and 20th.
Referral Agencies must fax or e-mail assistance applications to The Alexander Foundation’s office on behalf of an applicant; mailed applications will not be accepted. To learn more about these programs, including the information required for Community Assistance and Catastrophic Assistance Grants, please contact a Referral Agency.
Transgender Center of the Rockies
Provides mental health services for members of Colorado’s transgender and gender expansive community.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 3460 S. Federal Blvd. | Sheridan, CO 80110
Phone Number: 303.761.0200
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Services Provided: LGBTQIA+ Services, Mental Health Services, Healthcare, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Clothing
Eligibility Criteria: Must be an LGBTQIA+ individual in Colorado state
Application/Intake Process: Call their number and click the extension for which programs/services you are seeking. They will guide you through the intake/scheduling process.
Justice Related:
SWOP (Sex Worker Outreach Project) Behind Bars
Service Area: All, State Wide, National
Street Address: 1032 E Brandon Blvd
Phone Number: 877-776-2004
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Mondays-Thursdays: 7am-3pm Fridays: 10am-3pm
Services Provided: Mental Health Services, Healthcare, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Justice Involved Services, Domestic Violence, Substance Use
Eligibility Criteria: This program is to support sex workers and sex workers getting out of incarceration.
Application/Intake Process: Call for support 877-776-2004
Additional Information: Assistance with:
- Letters to probation officers
- Letters of support for pre-sentencing reports
- Re-entry support
- Record expungement
- Help finding a lawyer
Service Area: Denver, State Wide
Street Address: PO Box 18463
Phone Number: 303-993-3551
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Services Provided: Justice Involved Services
Eligibility Criteria: Must be justice involved, either coming out of jail or prison. Is available to anyone who is seeking assistance.
Application/Intake Process: Offers housing, employment, medical services, legal services, and people who are recently released from incarceration, they can contact via phone or they can write and request a survey (during incarceration) to then get resources right after they are released.
Wait time: Varies on what resources they request
Employment Services - Denver by The Center For Employment Opportunities (CEO)
Service Area: Denver, Statewide
Street Address: 3532 Franklin Street Suite S
Phone Number: 720-279-8489
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Services Provided:
Justice Involved Services , Employment
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must have a criminal conviction and be under probation or parole supervision.
- Must be unemployed.
- This program helps people who are older than 17 years old.
Application/Intake Process: Click this link for a step-by-step description of how to receive services:
Step 1: Get a Referral
Step 2: Attend Orientation
Step 3: Engage in Services
Additional Information: Once engaged in services, participants would get part-time employment (4 days a week, $17.29/hr paid daily - pay is increased based off COLA each year) for CEO, company. Meets 1-on-1 for prepping for employment once a week, and then assists you in securing a full-time job.
They have connections to other employers who do not run a background check or do not care about criminal history so it is a smooth process to get hired a Full-time position elsewhere as long as you're fully engaging with the org.
Also offers more advanced pathways for extensive career opportunities (such as paying for CDL certification for participants so they can become a CDL driver! - completely free)
Second Chance Center
Second Chance Center, Inc. Helping Formally Incarcerated Transition Into Society. We are dedicated to helping the formerly incarcerated successfully transition into society with proper education, support, and resources.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: There are several locations, here is the one associated with their main center: 224 Potomac Street Aurora, CO 80011
Phone Number: 303-537-5838
Email Address:
Hours of Operation:
Mon - Thu: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri: Closed
Sat: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sun: Closed
Services Provided: Justice related employment, education, case management
Eligibility Criteria: Available to all who have been involved in the criminal justice system and/or been recently released and are looking for employment assistance.
Application/Intake Process: Call to get set up with a case manager.
Immigration Resources:
Immigration Legal Services - Lutheran Family Services - Rocky MountainsProvides immigration consultation and legal aid services regarding immigration matters.
Service Area: Statewide, Denver
Street Address: 1035 Osage St #700, Denver, CO 80204
Phone Number: 303-389-2337. Or Lutheran Family Services’ main line @ 303.922.3433 and then ext. 6 for Immigration Services.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Immigration legal services
Eligibility Criteria: For low-income immigrants
Application/Intake Process: Call to get connected with a legal advocate.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC)
CIRC is a statewide membership-based coalition of immigrant, labor, interfaith, youth and ally organizations founded in 2002 to build a unified statewide voice to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees in Colorado and the United States.
Service Area: Denver, Statewide
Street Address: 2525 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80219
Phone Number: (303) 922-3344
Email Address:
General/Info line:
Legal services:
Hours of Operation: 9am-4pm Monday-Thursday
Services Provided: Legal Services, Universal representation for immigrants facing detention or deportation, Know Your Rights trainings/events, Resource Access & Data Privacy, and SB-251 Driver’s Licenses
Eligibility Criteria: Available and free to all immigrants and refugees in Colorado State.
Application/Intake Process: There is not an established intake or application process as they are available to all seeking their services. They may request your contact information to get in touch with you, but will not require more private information. Their physical address also accepts walk-ins. If you want an extensive conversation regarding reviewing your citizenship application, they ask that you schedule an appointment ahead of time.
Additional Information: Currently, they do not have any lawyers on staff but have volunteer lawyers who join for events & educational trainings. They have a Legal Services Manager in their office who can assist with regular consultations regarding citizenship applications. Other services offered are: DACA assistance, policy advocacy, education resources, work opportunities, resource navigation, and housing navigation/potential rental assistance resources.
Colorado ID Project
Service Area: Denver, State Wide
Street Address: 1905 Sherman St., #400 Denver, Colorado 80203
Phone Number: 303-837-1313
Hours of Operation: We interview new applicants on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at our Denver office.
Services Provided: ID Vouchers, Replace Coloradan IDs/Permits/Drivers License
Eligibility Criteria:
The Colorado ID Project is designed to assist low-income, disabled, homeless and elderly Coloradans seeking documentation of their identity, immigration, or citizenship status.
Please note the ID Project does not assist with reinstatement of driving privileges or commercial driver’s licenses.
Application/Intake Process:
Applicants may apply by phone at 303-837-1313 or online at and we will follow up with each applicant as quickly as staff is able to do so.
You may complete an application for services in-person. We interview new applicants on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at our Denver office.
Colorado Department of Higher Education - Financial Aid for Students
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 1600 Broadway, Suite 2200
Phone Number: (303) 862-3001
Services Provided: General Financial Help
Eligibility Criteria: Must be an applicant either going into (or back to) school or a returning student in order to be eligible for any financial aid for your specific school. Don't forget that you need to re-apply for financial aid every year or term. Clarify this with your school's financial aid office to confirm how often you need to re-submit your FAFSA application. If you do not re-submit your application in a timely matter, you will have to pay out of pocket for that term.
Application/Intake Process: In most cases, grant and scholarship applications are handled by the source. To apply for these items, you should contact the agency/institution that is offering the grant or scholarship. To qualify for federal grants or loans you should complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). By completing a FAFSA, you will also be considered for State grants. Here is the FAFSA form.
Catching the Dream
Service Area: National
Street Address: 8200 Mountain Rd NE # 103
Phone Number: (505) 262-2351
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
Services Provided: General Financial Help, Education
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicants must be ¼ or more degree American Indian, and an enrolled member of a U.S. tribe. “U.S. Tribe” is defined as federally recognized, state-recognized, or terminated.
- All awards are based on merit, academic achievement, and ambition.
- Students must attend a college or university on a full time basis, seeking a BA or higher.
- CTD does not fund students studying out of the country or attending nonaccredited institutions, vocational, technical institutions, distance learning, or online programs.
- Catching the Dream scholarships are awarded for life. If you win, you will never have to apply again. However, if you are not selected for a scholarship with CTD, you cannot apply again.
Application/Intake Process: Must fill out this form. Follow their directions. Must be typed and signed properly. Click here for the Online Application Forms.
The Native Workforce Program (NWP) - Native Indian Center
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapaho, El Paso, Jefferson, Douglas, Boulder
Street Address: 4407 Morrison Rd
Phone Number: 303-936-2688
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm
Services Provided: Employment
Eligibility Criteria: They assist Native Americans, Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiians who are economically disadvantaged and/or unemployed. Eligibility requirements include:
- Resident of Colorado
- 18+ years of age
- Member of a federally recognized tribe
- Unemployed or Underemployed and meet income guidelines as per DOL
Documents required:
- Identification: Tribal ID, Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB), Hawaiian Registry Card, or must provide documents that link you as a descendent to an enrolled tribal member, i.e., birth certificates, etc.
- Proof of Residency: Renter’s lease, a utility bill with applicant’s name and address, current ID or voter’s registration with address, Self-Statement, etc.
- Other Documents: Proof of age: Driver License, State-issued ID, Passport, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, etc;
- Male only: Must have Selective Service number
Application/Intake Process: Call to get connected with resources. Will need to provide proof of eligibility (see eligibility and documents required above). After that, you can get supportive services for employment and other local resources.
Career Training Program - CrossPurpose
Our tuition-free, six-month career training program aims to empower individuals in Denver to develop the personal and professional skills that they need to succeed in the workplace. We offer a variety of career certification and pre-apprenticeship tracks to provide a wide selection of career opportunities.
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas
Street Address: 2959 Franklin Street
Phone Number: +1 720-724-9544
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am- 5pm
Services Provided: Justice Involved Services , Education, Employment
Application/Intake Process: Complete intake form on their website. Wait time depends on programs' start dates. Some programs provide a monetary stipend for enrolled and active "students", but do not provide rent assistance.
Employment Services - Peak Performers
We recruit for temporary, contract-to-hire, and direct hire office professional, information technology, and executive-level jobs.
Service Area: Statewide, National
Street Address: 4616 Triangle Avenue #405, Austin, TX
Phone Number: 512.453.8833
Hours of Operation: Depends on location
Services Provided: Employment
Eligibility: Must be older than 18 years old and seeking employment.
Application/Intake Process: Can apply directly online to available positions or call for more assistance.
Employment Assistance - MEO Staffing
MEO Staffing provides job search assistance to job seekers with disabilities seeking steady employment and long-term stability. Shows currently open jobs available to apply to and can provide assistance with employment services.
Service area: Statewide, National
Street Address: N/A online
Phone Number: 1-800-316-6040
Services Provided: Employment, Disability services
Eligibility Criteria: Available to all searching for employment
Application/Intake Process: Utilize their website to find employment opportunities. If you need additional assistance, please call to get set up with an employment expert.
Suiting Program - Dress for Success - Denver
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapaho, Jefferson, Douglas, Statewide, National
Street Address: 2594 South Colorado Boulevard
Phone Number: 212-532-1922
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm.
Services Provided: Clothing, Job Training
Eligibility Criteria: For women who have completed job-readiness programs and are entering or returning to the workforce. Women obtain what they need for an interview—from clothing to confidence—and can return once they find employment for the apparel and accessories needed to enter the workforce. To utilize the Suiting program, participants must receive a referral from a partnered organization.
Application/Intake Process: Must be referred by an approved agency.
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
Service Area: Denver, All, State Wide. Full list of locations/areas receiving service can be found HERE.
Street Address: 2211 W Evans Denver, Colorado 80223
Phone Number: (303) 866-2500 ext. 1 for new clients, (877) 243-2823
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Public Benefits Assistance, Disability Services, Employment resources
Eligibility Criteria: Must have a documented disability (a DVR counselor can discuss what disabilities meet their eligibility criteria) and be seeking employment assistance. Note of the disabilities shown on the options to select for the Online Request form, disabilities such as these (see below) are considered meeting DVR disability criteria:
- Blindness/Visual
- Cardiac and Circulatory conditions
- Cognitive
- Deaf-Blind
- Deafness/Hard of Hearing
- General Physical
- Mental Health
- Orthopedic or Neurological
- Substance Abuse
Application/Intake Process: A new DVR client must first complete the DVR Online Request for Services form on their website. After submitting the form, a DVR staff member will contact you within 5 business days to schedule a remote or in-person meeting to complete your application. If they are not able to reach you within 15 business days of submission, your request will be closed, and you may contact us again when you are ready to move forward.
Wait time: 5-15 business days to set up initial intake meeting with a DVR counselor.
Denver Regional Mobility & Access Council (DRMAC)The DRMAC Transportation Information and Assistance Center is your “go-to” resource when you need to identify transportation options to “go-to” medical appointments, shopping, across town or just about anywhere life takes you.
Service area: Mostly for Denver Metro Area and includes: Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin, Clear Creek, Jefferson, Douglas, Arapahoe, Adams and Denver itself.
Street Address: P.O. Box 7172 Denver, CO 80207. DRMAC provides online and over the phone service assistance to people seeking transportation resources, so no walk-ins are offered.
Phone Number: 303-243-3113
Services Provided: Provides transportation resources to clients seeking transportation throughout the Denver Metro Area and surrounding counties.
Eligibility Criteria: Eligibility varies based on each resource. DRMAC lists each resources’ eligibility criteria though, as well as cost and schedule expectations.
Hours of Operation: The Information and Assistance Center, known as the I&A Center, is open Monday-friday from 9am-5pm. Their number to call is 303-243-3113.
Application/Intake Process: If you don’t have access to transportation but have a doctor’s appointment or emergency need scenario that you need to go to, you can use DRMAC’s website to learn of (and use) various transportation options in your area. DRMAC lists’ each resource’s application/intake process/eligibility criteria/ potential cost/ and potential advanced scheduling expectations. If you have any additional questions though, you can call their general number at 303-243-3113 (M-F 9am-5pm) to talk with a representative.
Additional Information: DRMAC also provides three additional helpful tools:
They have an app called the “Getting There App” which lets you filter exactly what you’re looking for (area, cost, timeframe), in order to quickly seek the type of transportation best suited/available to you.
A second helpful tool they include is the Getting There Guide, which provides a PDF overview of several transit options within the Denver Metro Area.
They also have a Travel Training Program, which can teach you how to use new transportation methods (such as RTD, Lyft, and Uber).
Domestic Violence:
Crisis Services - Pathways to Safety International
Pathways To Safety International provides specialized case management services to American victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and forced marriage. Case managers have the tools and knowledge to assist survivors with safety planning in foreign countries and/or after returning to the United States.
Service Area: Statewide, National
Street Address: 25 NW 23rd Place Suite 6 PMB #461 Portland, OR 97210
Phone Number: 833-SAFE-833 (833-723-3833) - Phone is currently not at capacity to take calls, please email instead.
Email Address: - Takes around 72 hours for a response back
Services Provided: Case Management, DV services and support, housing navigation, legal advocacy, mental health support
Eligibility: This service is for people experiencing DV or seeking support to escape DV.
Application/Intake process: Reach out via email to get started. They will respond in 3 business days to see what services they can provide.
PorchLight - A Family Justice Center
PorchLight Family Justice Center (FJC) provides comprehensive legal, emotional and critical supportive services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, abuse of at-risk individuals, elder abuse, and human trafficking. The center is centrally located in Jefferson County, Colorado.
Service Area: Statewide, Jefferson
Street Address: 11100 W. 8th Avenue, Suite 200 Lakewood, CO 80215
Phone Number: 720-853-8850
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday -Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Services Provided: Case Management, DV services and support, housing navigation, legal advocacy, mental health support
Eligibility: This service is for people experiencing DV or seeking support to escape DV.
Application/Intake process: No appointment required, just go into their location to received a multiple of support through their partnered agencies which work on site. If you're unable to go directly to their location, you can call their number for services and be referred to their partnered advocates for resources that will be most applicable for you.
Additional Information: Porchlight can take any client who is experiencing or escaping from domestic violence, despite being located in Jefferson County. The only difference in services is that Jefferson County residents are able to get assistance with their Jefferson court documents/records through FJC while residents outside of the Jefferson area would need to go to their local court instead.
Wait Time: None. Walk in services are available.
SWOP (Sex Worker Outreach Project) Behind Bars
Service Area: All, State Wide, National
Street Address: 1032 E Brandon Blvd
Phone Number: 877-776-2004
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Mondays-Thursdays: 7am-3pm Fridays: 10am-3pm
Services Provided: Mental Health Services, Healthcare, Case Management, Housing Navigation, Justice Involved Services, Domestic Violence, Substance Use
Eligibility Criteria: This program is to support sex workers and sex workers getting out of incarceration.
Application/Intake Process: Call for support 877-776-2004
Additional Information: Assistance with:
- Letters to probation officers
- Letters of support for pre-sentencing reports
- Re-entry support
- Record expungement
- Help finding a lawyer
Praline's Backyard Foundation
Service Area: National
Street Address: N/A - Address is hidden purposely to keep DV clients safe.
Phone Number: 770-648-5266
Email Address:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Services Provided: Pet Assistance, Domestic Violence
Eligibility Criteria: If you are an applicant trying to use the organization's Free pet boarding resource, you must be a client escaping Domestic Violence. Also, make sure you fall in their covered area for support. They are mainly a nation-wide organization, but this website provides their specific coverage map as well as what they offer in each state.
Application/Intake Process: If you are requesting housing for your pets while escaping a domestic violence situation, please follow this link and fill out their "Survivor form" HERE.
Domestic Violence Hotline for Teens & Young Adults - LoveIsRespect
Loveisrespect's trained peer advocates are available to offer education, support and advocacy to teens and young adults, as well as their concerned friends and family members, who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. Loveisrespect provides support via hotline, online chat or text.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Street Address: PO Box 90249 Austin, Texas 78709
Phone Number: Call +1.866.331.9474 or text 'LOVEIS' to 22522
Hours of Operation: 24/7 for the Hotline
Services Provided: Domestic Violence Hotline and resources
Eligibility Criteria: This service is for people experiencing DV or seeking support to escape DV.
Application/Intake Process: Call +1.866.331.9474 or text 'LOVEIS' to 22522 to get support.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline - StrongHearts Native Helpline
StrongHearts Native Helpline 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) is a safe, anonymous, and confidential domestic and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy.
Service Area: State Wide, National
Phone Number: Helpline: 1-844-762-8483
Hours of Operation: 24/7 for the Hotline
Services Provided: Domestic Violence Hotline and resources
Eligibility Criteria: This service is for people experiencing DV or seeking support to escape DV.
Application/Intake Process: All calls are anonymous. If you decide to call, the agent who picks up will confirm your safety first & foremost. If you are in a safe place to talk, they will assess what your needs are and how they can best support you. They can walk you through potential safety plans and other services providers as well.
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) - Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS)
CDHS offers the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) program that helps families that are homeless, working, searching for work or in school find low-income child care assistance.
Service Area: Statewide
Street Address: 710 S. Ash St., Denver, CO 80246
Phone Number: 1-800-799-5876
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm
Eligibility Criteria: Must be a low-income family with custody of a minor child living in the state of Colorado.
Application/Intake Process: You can apply for CCCAP online, by mail (haga clic aquí para español) or by contacting your county's department of human/social services. If you are using the paper application, you must submit it to your county department of human/social services in person or by mail.
Clothing for Children - Clothes To Kids Of Denver
Service Area: Denver, Adams, Arapaho, Douglas, Boulder, Broomfield
Street Address: 2890 South Colorado Boulevard
Phone Number: 720-379-4630
Email Address:
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday – Friday: 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 4 pm
Shopping by appointment only
Services Provided: Clothing
Eligibility Criteria: Students must be age 3-21, live in the 11-county Denver Metro Area and be enrolled in preschool – 12th grade, or working toward a GED. family is in crisis (due to job loss, disaster, poverty, homelessness or displacement). Their family is experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are refugees and asylum seekers. They are eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) at school. They are in kinship or foster care. They are receiving services from a school, school district, human service agency, shelter, hospital, clinic or place of worship.
Application/Intake Process: Please call us to make an appointment if the students in your household meet our Basic Eligibility Requirements listed
Easter Seals Colorado Children's Services - Easter Seals Colorado
Service Area: Denver, Douglas, Boulder
Street Address: 393 S. Harlan St. Suite 250
Phone Number: (303) 233-1666
Hours of Operation: Varies by program
Services Provided: Disability Services, daycare, childcare
Eligibility Criteria: Children and teens ages 6-18 living with any disability, including those with extensive needs. Siblings are welcome.
Wait time: Varies on need
Additional Information: Offers weekend and summer camps as well as daycare for all children.
Out of School Time Care - YMCA of Metropolitan Denver
Out of School Time Care at the Y provides daily curriculum for children ages 5 to 12 years old. We provide a mentoring relationship between your child and our caring staff that maximizes their personal empowerment, exploration and learning. A safe setting, character values, positive role models and enrichment activities area all part of the Y child care experience.
Service Area: State Wide
Street Address: 2625 South Colorado Boulevard
Phone Number: 303 861 8300
Hours of Operation:
- Mon - Thu: 5:30 AM - 9 PM.
- Fri: 5:30 AM - 8 PM.
- NOTE: Each school is different. The OST program hours are based on the current school calendar available to the YMCA from the school district. If the school district makes changes to their calendars, we may adjust our program hours and will let families know as soon as possible.
Services Provided: Childcare
Eligibility Criteria: Please note all children must be between the ages of 5 to 12 years old to register for YMCA Out of School Time Program.
Application/Intake Process: Online registration takes 5-10 minutes. Please use Firefox or Chrome as your browser.
Additional Information: Accepts CCAP, Scholarships and Sibling discounts.
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